One of the hardest parts about short-term missions is that you are constantly leaving people behind. You see big transformations and leave wondering if the change is real and lasting. Or you see kids who are in trouble and you wonder how long it’s going to take for them to realize that God is pursuing them and for them to begin to move towards healing.
Our Bible study group (August 2008)
Last August my
World Race team and I started a Bible study with the
amazing group of teenagers pictured above. Last month I was blessed to return to Candelaria and spend another week with these teenagers. The most amazing thing about returning to a ministry a year later is being able to see the long-term effects of your ministry and how God has continued to work in the lives of the people that you love.

Some of the kids aren’t doing very well now, but some of them are doing amazingly well. Itzel is one of those kids who is just doing so well. When I met her last year, Itzel had just started her relationship with Jesus after her father left the family. She was really hurting. I remember sitting and talking with her as she just wept over the pain of her father’s abandonment. At the same time, I saw that she was finding new hope and love in God. In the wake of losing relationship with her father, she found relationship with her heavenly Father. A Father who loves her completely and will never leave or forsake her. Itzel was just basking in the love of Jesus. His praise was constantly on her lips.
It was amazing to come along side her and disciple her as she began this new relationship with Christ. She always came to the Bible study we were leading every Tuesday and Thursday. She also spent hours with our team talking about God’s love and learning more about prayer and worship. I was there to see Itzel baptized and to see her praying powerfully over other youth as they came to know Christ. Itzel’s intimacy with Christ and her passion to see other teenagers come to know the love and healing she was discovering was absolutely beautiful!
As we left Candelaria at the end of August 2008, I prayed for Itzel constantly. I prayed that her transformation would be lasting. I prayed that she would continue to grow in intimacy with Jesus. I prayed for continued healing and restoration in her heart. . I prayed and hoped and wondered….
In September 2009 as I returned to Candelaria, I was ecstatic to see Itzel again. She ran to me and gave me a huge hug! We sat down and began to talk about life. Itzel is graduating from highschool at the end of May. She is planning to go to university next year to study psychology. She is continuing to grow in her walk with the Lord. I was amazed to see how she has stepped up as a leader among the youth. She is taking the discipleship and training that she has received and is using it to awaken another generation. Itzel and the other teenagers that have been discipled are now teaching Sunday school classes to the children (ages 5-12). It is beautiful to watch kids I’ve been discipling beginning to disciple others.

One night I was sharing with the teenagers in youth group. I was telling them how much God loves them and how He has amazing plans for each of them. God has a place in His Kingdom for each of them. As I was talking, there first question was, “Well if God has a purpose and a place in Kingdom for each of us, what is yours?” So, I began to share with them my heart for orphaned, abandoned, and abused kids. I shared with them my dream of opening a home for these children. As I shared, Itzel’s face broke into a huge smile and she said, “Lisa I love this! I want to help you. Remember I’m going to be a psychologist. I can help you.” What a huge blessing to be able to disciple and walk alongside Itzel and then help her to begin a life in ministry.
I have been so blessed to return to Candelaria and be able to see the fruit of our ministry last year. It is such a beautiful thing!! There are so many other teenagers like Itzel who need to be discipled as they follow after the Lord and find their place in His Kingdom. As they are discipled, they will be able to lead others to the love of Christ. Through discipled teenagers walking in His love and discipling others, Candelaria will be transformed.
I am still in need of financial support to return to Candelaria in January 2010. I still need $11,000 by January 1st in order to return to Candelaria and disciple these incredible teenagers. Please
help me return and minister in Candelaria.
love this, and thank you for it. 🙂