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   This is a continuation of my series of Stories of Transformation showing the lives that the Lord has changed. To read other stories, read The Difference a Dad Makes, Jesus My Firm Foundation, and From Death to Life. 

   I have been so blessed to be given two younger brothers here in Nicaragua, Anthony and Abel (pictured left). I have (and had) such a special relationship with both of them. It’s not that I love them more than the other youth, but I just have a different relationship with the two of them. They are truly my brothers! I love them with all of my heart!!
   Abel has such a great heart! I began telling him that during my first month living here (to which he always shook his head in disagreement). He is a worshiper who has a heart full of compassion and a strong desire to protect. He has dreams to help children who are living on the streets. He is also one of the most expressive people I have ever met! He keeps everyone laughing with his stories. He has so much potential, however he also has a reputation and a past filled with partying, alcohol, and girls. For so long he has served the Lord half-heartedly and filled his nights and weekends with parties, drinking binges, and a string of short-lived relationships. I have been praying and longing to see him give his entire heart to the Lord.
   Since Anthony’s death in April, the Lord has been drawing Abel more and more to Himself. I remember seeing him with hands lifted in worship while the tears still streamed down his cheeks the night after Anthony drown. He began to see the emptiness and the destruction that accompanied his current lifestyle and began to long for something more. Abel began to give more and more of his heart to the Lord. I have seen a change in him. He is leaving behind his life of empty self-gratification in exchange of a life glorifying the Lord.
   I have been watching this change over the last several months praising the Lord for the growth and change I see in him. A couple weeks ago Abel took a step in pronouncing this change in front of the community. When we were at our bonfire a couple weeks ago, the youth were given a chance to share. Abel was the first to stand. He began to open up about his past. He talked about the way that he numbed his pain with alcohol. He talked about the emptiness that he always felt in that life. Then he began to share about his desire to give his entire heart and life to the Lord. He talked about the joy, life, and purpose that he has begun to encounter in the Lord. He called other youth to step forward, to jump in, and to give EVERYTHING to the Lord. It was beautiful to see him calling other youth forward. There were teenagers present who do not know the Lord who are completely engulfed in gang life. There were others who have been in the church for years, but also riding the fence as Abel once was. He spoke to each of the people individually calling them to give their all to the Lord.
   Abel is one of those guys who wields so much influence everywhere he goes. I cannot wait to see the number of lives that his wholehearted surrender to the Lord is going to inspire. I am so proud of my brother!!

7 responses to “Stories of Transformation: Wholehearted Surrender”

  1. Praise God! Praise God! Praise God!! And Lisa, you’ve had more influence in that boys life than you could ever imagine.

  2. Ahh Lisa I have been praying for this change in Abel since we left last November!! I am sooooo excited to hear that he is finally beginning to take steps in leadership ๐Ÿ™‚ I totally can’t wait to come visit!!

  3. YES! I LOVE THIS! It is so exciting to hear about this and to see how much the Lord is using you in their lives.

  4. I remember how all of you on the first World Race team told me when you left that Abel was “NEXT” and that he would be a leader. WELL~~~~~~~ ๐Ÿ™‚ I celebrate with you. I love Abel and his family. I have seen Philipe be such a good father through Abel’s path! God is faithful and so are you!!!!

  5. Does my heart good! when God puts his mark on someone, it’s only a matter of time, right? We are so proud of him…rejoicing along with you, him, and the entire New Song crew! We miss you guys so much, pray for you often. Love. ๐Ÿ™‚