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First 2 Months Highlights (Photo Blog)

It is hard to believe that I have been living in Nicaragua for over two months now. There are times when it feels like the time is flying by, but at the same time I feel as though I have been here forever. I am really beginning to settle into life here, forming deeper relationships, and seeing my Spanish vocabulary and understanding grow in leaps and bounds. It has been a tough, but amazing two months.
I am working this week to write several more blogs that will give more insight into all that God has been doing here in the last few months, but first I want to share some of my favorite moments from February & March…

My very first day in Nicaragua we visited a home in Leon for children with physical disabilities. Kenia, one of the girls from my Bible study group in August 2008, was there with us. My first trip to Nicaragua was right after Kenia accepted Christ. I was here to see her baptized and to begin discipling her. She is now well-grounded in her relationship with Christ and filled with His joy and love. Seeing her holding the children at this home and ministering God’s love to them was one of the most beautiful things I have seen. That is what I long to see in all of Candelaria… those who have been redeemed and restored by Christ’s love taking that love to others.

    Another amazing moment was seeing the church family gather around the Vega family who had lost their home in a fire. The pastor and other members of the church family came together to rebuild their home. Jessica Vega and her 4 young children now have a beautiful new home.
    Thank you to all of you who gave toward this project! It would not have been possible without your generosity. The house is now finished and the family will soon be moving in. Soon I will have a blog update coming featuring their new home as well as the family’s own thoughts and feelings regarding this blessing.

New Song Mission offers sponsorship to children, teenagers, and young adults wishing to attend school. This year we are sponsoring 150 children to attend elementary, high school, trade school, and university.
One Sunday we gathered all the children who are involved in our Sunday school program. Each child received a new book bag, 4 notebooks, pencils, and a school uniform. It was amazing to see their eyes light up as they received their school supplies.

I have loved to see God move among our youth group! It has been beautiful to see them begin to hunger for God’s Word and to want to know Him more. Now, in addition to our regular services and youth group, we are also hosting a couple of small group Bible studies. We have a women’s Captivating study that meets every Friday morning (pictured right). God has been speaking His truth over these women and teenagers about their worth, beauty, and identity in Him. We are also meeting twice a week (Thursday and Saturday) to study the life of Jesus through the Gospel of John. These teenagers are beginning to learn how to read and understand more of God’s Word. It’s beautiful to see!
    One of my favorite days here in Nicaragua was seeing five of my teenagers come for baptism. Three of the girls accepted Christ before I arrived in Candelaria, but had not yet been baptized. We also had two young guys that accepted Christ since I arrived here in the village. Five of our teenagers (Jovanny, Laura, Teresa, Rosa, and Domingo) decided this day to make public commitments to Christ through their baptism. (Jovanny’s baptism pictured left) It was an amazing time of celebrating as these teenagers came committed their lives to Christ! I love seeing these teenagers begin relationships with Christ and to see the other teenagers come around them and begin praying for God’s Spirit to fill them to overflowing!

    Of course my favorite part of being in Candelaria has been spending time with the children and teenagers. They are the reason that I first moved to Nicaragua and my heart for ministry here still centers around them. It has been a joke among my teammates here that I can literally spend all day hanging out with these kids and I think it’s true! I spend the majority of my day hanging out with them, joking and playing games, talking and sharing truth, listening to their problems and praying with them, studying God’s Word together, and just sharing our lives. It’s exciting to see my Spanish growing because it opens doors for deeper intimacy in my relationships with these teenagers.

    I am longing to see God bring healing in the parts of their hearts that are hurting and to see them walk in daily intimacy with Him. They have captured my heart as they become my best friends and little brothers and sisters.
    I believe that they will be the ones to bring transformation to this community! As God captures their hearts and brings them into abundant life with Him, they will carry that redemption into their future families and bring restoration to Candelaria. Please join me in praying for God’s work in their lives.

    These are just a few of my favorite moments… stay tuned for more specific stories of God’s work in this beautiful village.


  1. this brings big smiles to my face 🙂 you’re gonna be fluent before you know it, and then when i come down you’ll have to translate for me! hehe. i love you and keep bringing the light, joy, peace and hope of Christ to that special little village that’s marked for His Kingdom!

  2. Lisa
    I love seeing these pictures and hearing stories of the things that have caputured your heart. I can’t wait to see what God is going to do through you.
    Love Mom

  3. Thank you for sharing your life and love with these precious young people as you are doing the real work! You have already made such a difference in their lives by bringing them into a love for the word. They are being transformed. The word is powerful to give sight to their eyes and put purpose in their hearts. We love having you on site love them and teaching them. You are a piece of God among them and He is touching them!

  4. what a blessing you have been the people and community. God smiles upon you everyday for you kingdom work.I know that if 4 short days there changed me , then 2months must have transformed you…..God bless you and all your doings….see you soon……

  5. Hi Lisa. We haven’t met yet, but you are in my favorite place. What amazing work you are doing there. My heart just overflows with joy when I see their faces and hear what you are doing. I will meet you soon.

  6. Hi Lisa. Sounds like you’re involved in lots of good things in Nicaragua. To God be the glory! Keep sharpening those language skills as you share time and the wonderful message of God’s love with these wonderful people. Looking forward to future updates. You are in our prayers.
    Aunt Shirley

  7. Love catching up with you. Is that Anthony in the in picture? How is he doing? Please give him a big hug from me

  8. Thank you so much for sharing your moments! It is so wonderful to see all the the Lord is doing in Candelaria and I love reading about how much you love being there. It is refreshing! Lord bless you dear friend!!!

  9. I so loved reading this, Lisa. Your heart for Christ and for seeing people grow in Him is a beautiful thing. I praise God for your service and your love for the people of Nicaragua!! Love you bunches friend!!

  10. Lisa i think we met you in February when we were in Nicaragua. i had sent a message to Linda about a joint retreat while we are there in July 30-31st. to have the boys at your place and the girls at our mission center. we are hoping to get starting with further planning. were you able to think about this and could we talk more about it.
    thanks Cathe and Ray Burleson

  11. Lisa,
    I love reading your stories about the great work God is doing there! Thank you for allowing Him to work through you! I continue to pray for you and your new family!!

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