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A Year in Review (Video Blog)

      Today marks one year for me in Candelaria, Nicaragua. I arrived in this beautiful village February 2, 2010. I just want to celebrate all that the Lord has done in the last year. I have discipled youth, taught Bible studies, learned tons of Latin dance moves, seen 5 of my youth baptized, hugged hundreds of children, explored the volcanoes, beaches, waterfalls, and cities of Nicaragua, had 3 big sleepovers with the girls, seen gang members come to know Christ, eaten rice and beans everyday, worshipped with abandon with my youth at our beach retreat, laughed more times than I can count, been thrown to the ground in tackle hugs with Rosita repeatedly, formed relationships with the families in the community, cradled beautiful babies in my arms, celebrated countless birthdays and had a ridiculous number of cake fights, prayed in homes throughout Candelaria, hung out with the most amazing teenagers ever, and fallen more and more in love with the people of Candelaria. (The picture above is my first picture after I moved to Nicaragua).
     Here is a video with highlights from my first year. Watch it and see life through my eyes. I can’t wait to see what is going to happen in this next year!!


  1. WOW!!! Word’s can’t describe the joy in my heart because of your surrender to our King!!!!

  2. Love this video. It makes me so happy to see you enjoying the ministry the Lord has given you.

  3. 1 year!!! I can’t believe it was a year ago when we first stepped into Candelaria together. I was completely lost, and you were just so excited to be at home.

    I am so happy for you. Seriously I am so filled with joy watching this video, and knowing the great impact you are making on all the beautiful lives in Candelaria. The best part is that GOd has so many new and exciting adventures ahead of you.

    I love you, and I miss you!!!

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