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     I started a series of blogs last year sharing the stories of the lives of some of the beautifully strong women here. To read other blogs in this series, read the stories of Felix, Rosa, and Nidia.

   If you have been following my journey for any length of time, then you definitely know Jasmina and Katalin. They are two of my favorites. I just adore these two beautiful girls (Jasmina holding Katalin- pictured below right) and absolutely love who they are! I know that their lives are a mess, but they have such kind and lovely hearts. I have spent the last two years building relationship with Jasmina, am Katalin's godmother and named her, and have been praying for so long that the Lord will begin a transformation in their lives.

    Just before I returned to the States, Jasmina's life was thrown into turmoil as her boyfriend became abusive once again. He was arrested, continued to threathen her, and I stepped in to help Jasmina protect Katalin. It was an intense and emotional day. (To read the full story, read Protecting Innocence Part 2). 
   Jasmina's life has always been hard. She was raised in a home with an alcoholic father who often spent all of their food money on liquor. She is 18 years old and only has a 5th grade education which leaves her with very few options to build a better future for herself. She is scared and feels trapped in an unhealthy and abusive relationship with her boyfriend Surdo. Her life is in a constant state of chaos and she desperately needs the HOPE that Jesus longs to give. 

   As I said, I have been praying for the last couple of years that the Lord would begin this work of transformation in Jasmina's life. And finally hope is beginning to spring forth…

   However, it's often darkest before the dawn. over the last couple of weeks Jasmina and Katalin have been plunged into even greater trials, but I believe that the daybreak of the Lord's redemption is just around the corner.
   This past week Surdo became violent and attacked Jasmina once again. It was the same fear and abuse, but this time was different because Jasmina's family finally stood up for her. They told Surdo that this had gone on long enough and kicked him off of their property. So Surdo tore down his and Jasmina's home and took the plastic tarps and sticks with him as he left (Jasmina and Surdo's house that has now been torn down- pictured left).
   I believe that Surdo's leaving is the best thing that could have happened for Jasmina and Katalin Adaya. They need a home free of abuse and violence. They need to be and deserve to be loved. Jasmina needs to know that she is worthy of love and protection. Katalin needs to grow up in a home that is safe, being taught that she deserves be loved. That could never happen with a continually abusive boyfriend/father. Jasmina needed to get out of this relationship for both her and Katalin's sake. However, just because it needed to happen does not mean that it will be easy. Surdo's leaving has created some immediate hardships. Jasmina is now homeless. She and Katalin are staying with a friend until they are able to rebuild their home. Jasmina is now, like so many other young girls in Cadelaria, raising her daughter as a single mother. She has no work experience and only a fifth grade education. Providing for her daughter was difficult before, but it will be even more arduous now. On top of all of that, Jasmina is still facing threats of physical violence from Surdo. He is currently living on the streets of Candelaria and constantly threathens to come and kill Jasmina. Please pray for Jasmina and Katalin's safety because the homes where they live are not very secure. Although their situation looks hopeless, I believe that hope and redemption is about to burst forth in their lives. I pray that Jasmina's heart will cry forth, "…my soul is downcast within me. Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail." -Lamentations 3:20b-22

   The Lord has used all the upheavel and trauma to begin drawing Jasmina to Himself. When tragedy struck in her life, we as the church were able to come around her, love her, take risks to help protect her daughter, and support her when she most needed help. Through that love, trust has been built and she has begun to spend a great deal of time on the church property, regularly attend services with her daughter, open her heart to our staff, and come to them for prayer. Jasmina's heart is opening up to receive the Lord's love and I believe that He will reveal Himself to her. (Jasmina and Katalin playing on the church property- pictured right. Photo credit: Whitney Foreman).
   Now that she is no longer living in an abusive relationship, Jasmina's heart and identity can begin to be healed. She can begin to walk in wholeness and freedom. I long to return to Candelaria and continue to speak truth and life over Jasmina's heart until she believes that she is the Lord's beloved daughter worthy of love and respect. 
   I am praying for the Lord's protection and provision over his precious daughters and I believe with all my heart that He will come through for them. I also believe that we as the church have a responsibility and the privilege to not only encourage her to get out of this relationship, but to walk with her as she fights to break the cycle of violence and step into a new life for her family. I believe that we will be able to say to her, "You will surely forget your trouble, recalling it only as waters gone by. Life will be brighter than noonday, and darkness will become like morning. You will be secure, because there is hope; you will look about you and take your rest in safety." -Job 11:16-18  Yes, there is hope and redemption. It hasn't arrived fully, but I can see it coming and am calling it forth. Please join me in praying for Jasmina and Katalin.       

One response to “When Life is Hard… There is Hope (Part 4)”

  1. Lisa, Thanks for the update on Jasmina and baby. I am praying for them and all the other women in similar circumstances. A shelter for women in this situation would be a great addition to the mission. God has been placing on my heart such a burden for women and girls worldwide. I have become aware of the huge problem that women face with poverty, abuse,oppression, slavery and it goes on and on. I think the ministry to women, girls and children are the most important areas of ministry New Song can be about and I am thrilled to see the movement of the ladies there to fill that gap. Education seems to be the key factor and improving the lot of poor women. And, as Christians, hope in Jesus comes as the foundation of hope and growth. God bless all you do to help women and children! Jennifer