
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

   Several times I've written blog post series that aren't actually related, but feel connected in my heart. That's how this post is as well. Read Part 1.

    We as a church as standing united against the disrespect of women. I also want to stand united against child abuse. To stand in the gap for children who have been stripped of their ability to speak up and to stand in the gap for their healing and restoration. Abused children need to know that someone is in their corner. They need to know that someone sees them and will fight for them.

   For months I have been trying to get counseling set up for a few of my kids that we suspect are being abused or kids that have been pulled from abusive homes. I've been working together with our administrators to find a counselor who can help them, who will go to the authorities and fight for their well-being, who loves them, and who will empower them to walk towards healing in the Lord.

    One of my precious little loves is a nine year old boy. He is affectionate and starving for love. He rarely speaks a word. His family doesn't seem to care for him at all. Several of us suspect that he's being physically abused. We need someone who can get him to open his heart and admit to the abuse. We need clear evidence to be able to move forward with his case.

    The Lord brought us an incredibly kind and anointed counselor. She speaks to the children with such love and wisdom. She intercedes for her patients. She allows the Holy Spirit to guide her and she ministers to them. He is beginning to share his heart with her. The Pastor's wife is showering this sweet boy with a momma's love. She brings him to his appointments and cares for him for the day as she cares for her own sons. Together we are standing for him. We are fighting for his safety and freedom.

“He reached down from on high and took hold of me;
    He drew me out of deep waters.
He rescued me from my powerful enemy,
    from my foes, who were too strong for me…
 He brought me out into a spacious place;
    He rescued me because He delighted in me."

2 Samuel 22:17-18, 20

    My two beautiful hijas are the most precious treasures in the world! They have the absolute sweetest spirits and most beautiful hearts. But they are walking through life wounded. These two lovely girls have seen and experienced unspeakable abuse. They need healing in the deepest parts of their hearts and spirits. They need to know the love of God in a way that brings true redemption and restoration to the brokenness in their bodies and hearts. Thankfully they are now in a safe and loving home. They are no longer in danger, but the scars remain. I have been longing to find counseling for them. When I met our new counselor, I knew that she could help my girls. Through the sacrifice and prayers of their aunt, the wisdom of the counselor, the constancy of my love, and the healing power of the Lord I believe that my girls will learn to walk in the fullness of freedom and healing! Together we are fighting for their restoration.

    I have committed to paying for all three of these beautiful children to receive the counseling that they so desperately need. It's going to be $100/month. If anyone would like to join with me financially, you can give to my support account by clicking the "Support Me!" link on the left side of this page. Together we are standing up for the rights of children letting them know that they are seen, loved, and protected.