
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

    Two years ago today, I arrived in Candelaria making it my new home. I moved to this gorgeous village on February 2, 2010. I am so incredibly grateful to be a part of what the Lord is doing in this village. This has been an incredibly painful year as we have dealt with so much death and loss in our community and church family. It has been the most difficult year of my life, but it has also been glorious! I have known the Lord in a deeper way. I can truly say as David said, “Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him.” ~Psalm 34:8 
    I also have just loved the way that the my ministry has grown and changed in so many beautiful ways this past year. For the first year, much of my time was dedicated to language and culture learning. Now I feel like I belong here. My language no longer impedes my ability to minister and communicate. Also, in my first year, all of my time was spent ministering among the teenagers. This year my ministry has expanded to include so much more time with the children and families in the community (pictured above right with some of my beautiful kids and left visiting at the Corner House). I have begun working with our Adopt-a-Student program and Sunday school. And of course continuing to disciple the teenagers that I love so much. I feel so blessed!!! Thank You Lord for allowing me to be a part of all that You are doing in Candelaria!

* I am still in need of financial support for this next year. If you would like to help me keep ministering for another 2 years, you can give a one-time or monthly tax-deductible donation by clicking the “Support Me!” link on the left of this page.  

    Check out this video montage of my second year in Candelaria.

3 responses to “Two Years Ago Today….”

  1. Wow!! It’s hard to believe that it has been both that long and that short! The video is so amazing. You look so happy and fulfilled, like you are at home and belong there. the ministry looks so alive and growing. I wish I had time to read all your blogs. I know that you are continuing to follow God and are having a great impact just by being you. Blessings to you!

  2. You have done incredible work and the fruit is so evident in the youth, YOUR KIDS. God called you and He will supply. We (all of us) have been so blessed to call Nicaragua home and to be used by God to transform his beloved children. You and your team are awesome and I love hearing your stories; so very proud of all of you. Much love to you!!

  3. So much wisdom in your last line:

    “Thank You Lord for allowing me to be a part of all that You are doing in Candelaria!”

    It’s humbling that God allows us to be a part of His plan during the time He gives us on earth. It’s such a blessing to see God using you in that community, and I can’t wait to see how He continues to use you for His honor & glory! It’s only the beginning… 🙂