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   I love reading of Hagar's encounters with the Lord in Genesis. There are only two instances where I see the Lord speaking to Hagar through His angels. The first time Hagar has just run away from Sarai and there the Lord encounters her and speaks to her. As soon as receives this message from the Lord, Hagar proclaims: "You are the God who sees me…I have now seen the One who sees me." (Genesis 16:13). The second time the Lord speaks to Hagar she has been thrown out of her home, she is stranded in the desert, and believes that she is going to watch her son die. Then this happens: "God heard the boy crying and the angel of God called to Hagar from heaven and said to her, 'What is the matter Hagar? Do not be afraid; God has heard the boy crying as he lies there. Lift the boy up and take him by the hand, for I will make him into a great nation.'" (Genesis 21:17-18). Hagar came to know the God who sees and hears her. What a powerful revelation to know that the God of the universe SEES us and HEARS our hearts' cries!!

   This morning I was able to tell sweet Alison (pictured above) about the God who sees her and hears her heart's cry…

    Yesterday afternoon Alison, one of my precious Sunday school girls, and her mom walked down to the property and asked to speak with me. Alison has been chosen as one of the top students in her class. She is supposed to participate in the best student celebrations next week. However, her family cannot afford the participation costs. Her mom's eyes filled with tears as she talked to me about how hard Alison has worked in order to be so successful in her studies. The teacher has been telling Alison's mom to make more sacrifices so that her daughter can be recognized for her accomplishments. Her mom cannot make anymore sacrifices. Alison's father is suffering from Chronic Kidney Disease and is unable to work. They are already stretching their finances as far as possible and are barely meeting their basic needs. Their family wanted to know if they could receive help for this best student program through our school sponsorship fund.

    I had to send them away empty handed.

    I explained to Alison and her mom that, while I would love to help them, all of our sponsorship funds are designated for specific students who have already been sponsored. There was nothing I could do at the moment.

   They walked away and my heart broke.

   I get asked for help with various needs ALL the time (on average at least 5 times a day). Sometimes there is something I can do. Other times I just can't. However, there are certain moments, certain needs that just weigh on my heart. Certain moments that I know there is something more that the Lord wants me to do. Alison's situation weighed on my heart.
   I walked back into the house to start our teaching time with the youth. As we began worship, I just started asking the Lord for help. I told Him that if He could find me some undesignated funds that I really wanted to help Alison. As soon as youth was over, one of the guys from the Calvary Chapel team walked up to me and slipped some money into my hand telling me that it was a "blessing from the entire team." My heart smiled. The Lord heard my prayer.

   Today I was able to tell sweet Alison and her mom that the Lord sees them, loves them, and hears their hearts' cries. I told them how the Lord moved on their behalf and how He answered my prayers. They know that the Lord sees and hears them. I just love how He expresses His love for His children!!

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