
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

    This week I hit the 100 mark. One hundred kids sponsored through New Song's sponsorship program. I love this program! As a former teacher, I have always loved education and I love to see doors to education opened for my kids. I love to see children begin to dream for their futures. I love even more to see them succeed. I love being a part of something that will change this community from the inside out and will cause the infrastructure of poverty to crumble. But I think what I love the most is something hidden; something the Lord is whispering to the hearts of His children.

    A couple days ago I stood in front of a house with the sun beating down upon me and dust layered upon my feet. A huge smile spread across my face. "I have good news. We found a sponsor for Yorleni (pictured below left). Your daughter will be able to start college." Relief flooded her face and the woman's eyes brimmed with tears. She stared at me without saying a word for a moment.
    I reached over a took her hand. "I know how hard you all have been working trying to save up enough to make this possible. We've found some help. Together there will be enough for her to study." She blinked away her tears. She took a deep breath and began to speak.
    The face that moments ago looked weary now shone with life. She confessed, "Just last night Yorleni was asking me, 'Mom what are we going to do about school? We've been working; we've been saving. It's still not enough. I want to study mom. What are we going to do?' and I told her not to worry because the Lord will provide something. And now He has."

    There it is. That moment. The moment when the Lord says, "I see you. I hear your heart's cry. I am moving on your behalf." And the tears begin to fill my eyes too as I realize that I've just been invited into a private moment between the Lord and His daughter; a moment where she is just delighting in the outpouring of her Fathers's love. It's simply beautiful.

3 responses to “That Moment”

  1. Yorleni has been with New Song from day one! She has faithfully attended, volunteered and grown in God.
    Lisa I celebrate with you to see her be able to go on to college and more than that to know that God is confirming her and will always be with her. Thank you Lisa for all of the work that you do to make this possible for the children and youth here!!