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To read other Stories of Transformation, read: God's Purposes Prevail (Emerson), Wholehearted Surrender (Abel), From Death to Life (Denis), Jesus, My Firm Foundation (Rosita), and The Difference a Dad Makes (Carlos).

    Almost this same time last year, I wrote a blog post about my precious friend Gema (Gema and I pictured right at our girls' sleepover). At the time, she was living bound by shame and embarrassment. It was just before her 15th birhtday or quincenera. I began to proclaim over her that THIS YEAR was to be a year of freedom, a year without pena (Read: A Year Without Pena).

   She was terrified, but really desired to step into greater freedom with the Lord. Gema is so gifted in seeing people's hearts and praying over them, but her embarrassment kept her prayers silent. I knew in the depths of my heart that this year was her time to run after the Lord and to fly in FREEDOM!!

   All around Gema, people began to proclaim this same freedom and these same giftings. She came to me often last summer telling me, "Lisa you aren't going to believe it, but someone else told me the same things you told me…" The Lord was speaking HIS heart for her.

   Six months later, Gema confessed to me one night after youth, "Lisa, I know you said that this was going to be the year to remove pena from my life, but I haven't done anything. The year is half over and I'm still living in as much fear as I was the first time we talked." I told her that the year was only half over and that I still believed with all my heart that this was the year. I encouraged her to keep believing and to give herself the grace to slowly step into this freedom.

    One night after church, I was praying before the Lord concerned because my dad was sick and I couldn't be there with my family. As I was crying out to the Lord, I felt someone come up behind me, wrap her arms around me, and begin praying with authority and power. I hear Gema's voice praying over my heart. As she prays, I sink down into the Lord's presence and just begin to worship Him. She is walking in her anointing. She is stepping out in freedom. This was the first step.
   As she finished praying, I leaned back against and whispered, "You're doing it! I told you this was the year!" A huge smile spread across her face. 

    Now, just a few months later, Gema is running forward in her newfound freedom. She is cutting off the chains of fear and shame that have kept her bound for far too long. She is allowing the Lord to speak to and through her. She has realized her identity in Him and she cannot keep silent any longer. She radiates beauty as she walks in her anointing.
    Gema, along with Whitney and Rosita, are ministering to women each week in our outreach village of Santa Matilde (these three lovely ladies pictured right). Every Saturday they are seeking out hurting hearts, praying freedom over the captives, and speaking words of life and love over women's hearts that have been long-devastated. The women of Santa Matilde are being set free and so are these beautiful freedom bringers!

   Recently Gema was talking about the changes in her life over the past year. She said, "I am proud of myself and the gift God has given me. At first, I didn't know what my spiritual gift was, but with the help of Whitney and Lisa I discovered it. They are both a big help in my life. I don't think I would have ever discovered my giftings if it weren't for them. They are both really special to me and I love them a lot. When I discovered that my gift was to talk to people, cousel them, and give them words of life at first I was terrified and embarrassed, but one day I grabbed the strength to put it into practice. The best part was that the first time I did it was with Lisa and the truth is when I used my gift I felt so free and happy. Still I get embarrassed, but now just a little bit. I know that this fear doesn't come from God and so I have to remove it from my life and my heart. I know it will be difficult, but with God's help I can do it…. "

   With the help of her Father she can do it; and is. Gema is continually handing the Lord her heart; she is cutting off the chains that have bound her and is flying in freedom. And she's calling other women to join her. 

2 responses to “Stories of Transformation: Flying Free!”

  1. Beautiful. =) We just discussed in our fellowship group this past week what each of our spiritual gifts seem to be. It was encouraging to see how God has gifted people differently and how those gifts are being used in various ways in each person’s life. Praise God for helping Gema to step into hers!

  2. Praise the Lord! What an amazing testimony of freedom! Thank you so much for sharing Lisa. I continually pray that the ministry you do for the Lord would be powerful and effective…and this is evidence that the Lord is answering those prayers. Praise the Lord! 🙂 Be blessed my friend!!!