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   I talked in my last blog post about the glorious and beautiful work of the Lord in the hearts of our church members as people made the decision to JUMP and completely abandon themselves to the Lord. I already shared Gato's story; today I want to share about my beautiful friend Junieth (pictured right)…

    Honestly I was shocked to see Junieth walking up to the altar. She's 15. And she's been living a very typical 15 year old life- looking for boyfriends, getting caught up in silly drama, being moved and swayed so often by peer pressure, and constantly fighting with her mom. Over the last several months I've seen her walk in such a rebellious season.

     However on Sunday night she turned. She saw the beauty of the Lord and her heart desired Him. And she JUMPED.

      I talked to Junieth a couple days later just to hear in her own words what the Lord was speaking to her heart. She looked up at me beaming, started to giggle, and said, "I don't really know how to explain it Lisa, but I listened to Tommy's invitation and I felt my heart start racing. I just knew I had to get up and move forward. Usually I'm too scare to go forward, but I knew I couldn't stay in my seat. I wanted what the Lord was offering. I needed it…" Her face radiated a brighter joy than I'd seen in her before. Her family has  seen a change in her this week. Her mom feels more respected. Junieth is walking in the Spirit in a way that was missing before. She is coming to reflect His glory more and more.

"Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into His likeness with ever increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit." -2 Corinthians 3:17-18 

One response to “Salta (Part 2)”

  1. You were right, this made me so happy! Tell Junieth I love her and am so proud of her!