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   Tommy had been preaching recently about truly and wholeheartedly surrendering our entire lives to the Lord. As a church we have been focusing on this verse: "Then Jesus said to his disciples, 'Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. 25 For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it.'" -Matthew 16:24-25

   The Spirit was moving in the service. Tommy talked about the significance of really taking that leap of complete abandonment and jumping into the river of God where you are totally surrendered and the current of His Spirit can move you as He wishes. He talked about some of the members of our church who have already jumped and then began to invite others to do the same.

    As soon as the words left his mouth, "if you want to make that jump tonight, come…", a young man rose up from his seat in the back of the building and began boldy walking to the front. At this point, I am translating through tear-filled eyes as I watch him confidently approach the throne of grace. I have been praying and longing for this moment!

    This is young man has such a special place in my heart. He is one of my Nicaraguan brothers and I love him with all of my heart! His name is Marvin or Gato or Chele and he is just an incredible man who is so anointed to transform his community. I can see it in him. He has a heart that is so different from most men in this community. I tell him and call it forth all the time.

    About a year ago, the Lord was moving on Gato's heart. The Lord was calling him to MORE. I could see that he wanted more of the Lord, but something was holding him back. I remember one afternoon about 8 months ago, Gato and I were sitting on the floor in the living room talking about life and the Lord and I told him, "When you reach the point that you desire the Lord more than you care what others think, that's when you will see the Lord really move in your life and when you will find what you really seek in Him." At that point, he wasn't ready. Instead of taking that leap of faith, he began to run. Run from the Lord. Run from who he is made to be. Run from his powerful destiny within this nation. For months, he ran. But last night he stopped running. Last night his desire for God outgrew any other concern. Last night he jumped!

     As soon as the invitation was made, Gato was the first one on his feet and he walked straight up to the front with his whole heart ready to dive into all that the Lord has for him. It was beautiful! We have some incredible men of God leading our church. As Gato came forward, they embraced him, celebrated with him, and came around him in support and prayer. I was so blessed to spend some time praying over my brother and celebrating with him as he finally took this leap of faith that the Lord was calling him to a year ago.

    Gato is created to be a powerful man of God. I can see such an anointing and calling on his life. He has a heart that is so filled with love, compassion, and respect. He has such a rare spirit. He will be a man of integrity, a husband who loves and respects his wife, and a dad who stays with his family and raises his children well. He will bring redemption and restoration in his community. I believe it with my whole heart! I am so proud of and excited for my incredible brother. I know that the Lord will move in so many unbelievable ways as a result of this decision.

4 responses to “Salta”

  1. I met Gato when we were there and became good friends in a week.Tell him we are so proud of him taking that step forward in his life and our prayers are with him.

  2. That is awesome!! It just warms the heart to hear these kind of stories. God bless that young man.

  3. I freaking love this! Love your heart, friend, as always, and the way you believe in God & in people & in restoration!!

  4. I don’t know how I missed this blog before. I am so excited for Gato. He is holds a special place in my heart!