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   Rivers of Living Water is the name of our church plant in the barrio of La Isla. It’s an ironic name given the fact that they live in a village where their water is literally leading to death.
    La Isla is another barrio of Chichigalpa and is located deep in the heart of the sugar cane fields. It is known as the “Village of Widows” because of the number of husbands and fathers who have died of renal failure. Renal failure is the #1 cause of death in our area of Nicaragua. It is due in part to the pesticides used in the sugar cane fields and partially caused because of the health choices of the locals (many will work 12-14 hour shifts in the hot sun and drink nothing except soda). However, in La Isla not only is renal failure killing people at an alarmingly high rate, but there are also a large number of people who are developing various types of cancer. Every time I enter in to this community, I am reminded of the movie Erin Brokovich.
     Access to clean water could make the difference between life and death for the families living in La Isla. If the children could begin now drinking clean water, it would dramatically increase their life expectancy. Thanks to the generosity of the New London CT Rotary, twenty water filters were donated to families in the church in La Isla. For only $50 an entire family now has access to clean water. These water filters are attached to a bucket and then can be filled with contaminated water from their local wells and it filters out 99.9% of all contaminates. (Water filter assembly pictured above right) The filters come with a cleaning kit and are  easy to maintain.
     We gathered under the tin roof of the church with the children and their parents laughing and talking as the filters were assembled. We began to sing songs with the children as we waited. I saw all of the beautiful children singing, dancing, and laughing (pictured left) and I could see their futures pass before my eyes. I could see their lives extended. I could see their health improved. I could see them dreaming for a better future.
     The church was so thrilled to receive this blessing. They gathered together to pray and thank the Lord for providing for this need. Then each family came forward to receive their water filter. As they came forward, their joy was shining forth. Afterward Pastor Pablo explained to each of the families how to use and to clean their water filter (pictured right). The church itself received a water filter (as a trial) in September. Families have been coming to the church to receive clean water for the last several months, but now they will be able to have clean water in their own homes. Thank you New London CT Rotary for your kindness and generosity!! 

3 responses to “Rivers of Living Water”

  1. It’s Diego! What an awesome and tangible way to impact a community. [We’ve been praying for Jayson’s family]
    Jeremy and Kathryne

  2. LOVE THIS!! Erin Brokovich is one of those movies that always simultaneously intrigues me & totally creeps me out… Kinda like Outbreak. I’m so glad this village is getting increased opportunities for CLEAN water. Praise God for the generosity extended!

  3. Thanks for this great photo story. I just came across it tonight. I will send it right away to my contacts in the CT Rotary. I so wish my dad had seen this It was his last service project before he passed away. Bless you. Jennifer