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Thoughts & Inspiration

   The Lord started speaking to my heart a couple of weeks ago about His favor. He promised that He was pouring out His favor over my life as I began to step out in the dreams that He has for my life. Later that same week, I found out about my land.
    When I spoke to my parents about it, their first concern was for my safety. I would be lying if I said the same concerns hadn’t crossed my mind, but I knew the Lord had spoken that it’s time to move forward in this dream. For my own peace of mind, I decided to just ask the Lord about it. So, I started asking my Father if I would be safe living by myself with a bunch of kiddos in this new land. He brought me to Deuteronomy 12:10 which says,

“But you will cross the Jordan and settle in the land the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, and He will give you rest from all your enemies around you so that you will live in safety.”

   Once again He was promising His favor. Saturday as I walked the land for the first time, I knew that it was MY land (biking into the land- pictured right). As I began to write my last blog post (read: Crossing the Jordan & Entering the Land), I had no doubts that the money would come in because the Lord already told me that this was my land and He is always faithful to provide. However, I had no idea how much He would pour out His favor over the fundraising process!

   I needed $3000 to buy the land. Just in this first week, I have received $4010 and I know more is on its way. It was Luke 6:38 happening before my eyes… “Give,
and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken
together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” 
I felt the Lord’s goodness pressed down, shaken together, and running over poured into my lap.

    All day long I just sat awestruck and filled with joy as people continued to send donations and to share this story asking others to give. Childhood friends, college friends, people who had come to New Song on short-term teams, and people that I didn’t even know all joined in the effort. I was amazed that so many people were invested in seeing this dream become a reality. The family of God unified in such a beautiful way. God’s favor continued to pour out.

   Tomorrow I begin negotiations to buy the land. I will purchase it, fence it in, and wait for my residency so that I can begin to build the home. All donations that came in above the $3000 needed to purchase the land, will be set aside for the house fund and will be used for construction as soon as I have permission to build. So, if you would still like to be a part of this project financially, you certainly can. I will still need additional funds to build, furnish, paint, etc. the actual children’s home.
    In the meantime, I will continue to bike to the land, several times a week to pray over the land and prophesy over my children who will grow up there (praying and prophesying over the land and children- pictured left). And continue preparing to file for residency in August once I return from the States.
    I have already had people contacting me who want to help with construction when the time comes to build. I am continuously amazed as the Lord just pours forth bucketloads of His favor. I wrote a blog post a few months ago, about a vision that Whitney had (read My Journey: Painting the Canvas of my Life). This vision feels more and more true as the Lord continually does things for this dream before I even know to ask for it. It’s been beautiful!

   Thank you SO much for your generosity! I am overwhelmed with gratitude. More than anything else, I know that this is a fulfillment of His promise to pour out His favor. I just love sitting back and resting in the favor of my God!

5 responses to “Resting in HIS Favor”

  1. Thanks for sharing Lisa. It’s so encouraging to watch you march into the promise land especially since the Lord has me marching to my own promise land. It has been really encouraging to watch Him work through your life and see His faithfulness.

  2. This gave me chills!! SOOO excited for you and God is SOOO GOOD! 🙂 I just love that you already knew that was the land God was giving you! Amen!

  3. SO EXCITING! BAAAHHHH! I love it and I’m so excited for what God is going to do with you and that land! 😀

  4. Our God is an awsome and faithful God. It is exciting watching Him bless His plans for your life and ministry. Enjoy His provision as He continues to reveal all of His plans to you.

    Love, Dad