
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

     The sun is beating down upon us as the truck bounces down the dirt road. I'm trying to be excited, but I just can't get there yet…

   I'm thankful to be surrounded by so many strong women of God. We walk down the dusty path heading toward the land that I hope will be mine. We arrive at the plot of land and I just sat down in the grass as these women of faith begin to cry out to the Lord on my behalf (pictured right interceding for the land). I knew that I needed some reinforcements; I needed some prayer warriors to intercede with me.  
     I had been trying unsuccessfully for weeks to meet with the lady who owns the land where I want to build my future children's home. The Lord had shown me the land. He had provided all of the funds, but I hadn't been able to meet with the owner. (To read the first part of this story, read: Crossing the Jordan and Entering the Land & Resting in HIS Favor). 
   Meeting after meeting had been scheduled and canceled. I knew that if I didn't buy the land before heading to the States that it might not be there when I got back. I was down to only 3 days in Candelaria before going to be with my family in West Virgina. There was yet another meeting scheduled for the following day, but unlike the previous meetings, I hadn't allowed my heart to fill with hope. If I'm being completely honest, I was expecting this one to be canceled as well.

   Even though I didn't feel much hope in the moment, I still knew the truth. And the truth is that there is a ridiculous amount of power in prayer. So I gathered some amazing women of God and we set off to the land to intercede (pictured left interceding together on the land). As their prayers began to pour forth in faith, hope began to fill my heart.
   The Lord began to speak to me about inheritance. We are His children. The Bible tells us repeatedly that as children we are also heirs, co-heirs with Christ. The Lord tells the Israelites again and again in Deuteronomy that the Promised Land is an inheritance for them. And different plots of land are set aside as an inheritance for different tribes. Even Caleb cried out, "Lord give me my mountain!" He wanted the specific mountain that the Lord had promised him as an inheritance. It even says in Exodus 15:17, "You will bring them in and plant them on the mountain of your inheritance- the place, LORD, you made for your dwelling, the sanctuary, Lord, your hands established."

   As I thought about my inheritance in His Kingdom, I realized that there are only two ways for you to receive inheritance: for your parents to die or for your father to release your inheritance to you. My Father is the I AM; He is and will always be. The only way for me to receive my inheritance is for my Father to release it to me. This revelation stirred in my heart and next thing I know I was on my feet, hands lifted high, crying out to the Lord: "Father, you have told me that you are giving me land as an inheritance. I come before you as your beloved daughter and ask you as my Father to release my inheritance to me." It was all that I kept praying over and over again. Release my inheritance. Release my inheritance. Over and over it was all that my heart could declare.

    By the time that we walked off of the land, my heart was resting assured in the peace of my Father's faithfulness. I just knew that He was moving on my behalf and would release my inheritance to me in His perfect timining. I was no longer concerned about whether or not it happened before my trip to the States.

   Of course, in the Lord's infinite goodness, He released my land to me and allowed me to purchase the lots on the very last day that I was in Candelaria (and I'm fairly certain that I bought the last two plots of land available). The owner of the land called me on Saturday. She said that she was coming to Chichigalpa Sunday morning and that I would be able to buy my land that morning. She came and I purchased the land with no problems and am now officially a LANDOWNER in Chichigalpa (rejoicing on MY land- pictured above left)! Praise the LORD!!! I have my land, am working towards obtaining my residency, and then will be able to begin construction on the foster home. I believe that the Lord has so much in store for this land and for the children who will one day call it home. 

4 responses to “Releasing Inheritance”

  1. What an amazingly good Father we have!! My heart is so encouraged by this story, friend, especially as I pray in faith this week myself, trusting & believing that HE is going to work in ways mightier than I could imagine!! LOVE YOU!! =)

  2. WOOOOHOOOOOOOOO!!!! SO excited for you and for what God is doing in Candelaria with your obediance! Love you!