
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

    If you haven’t read all of this story, read the first three parts here: Fighting for LIFE, Fighting in FAITH, Fighting in COMMUNITY.

    Monday night around midnight my phone started ringing. I answered to hear Auralia sobbing into the phone telling me that Jayson had just died. (He passed away just after 11:30 p.m. on Monday January 16th). Diego helped me talk with Auralia, figure out transportation for the next day to get Jayson’s body back to Candelaria, and make phone calls to people in the village until we could find someone to go and tell the family what had happened.
    As all the details were being discussed, I just sat on the floor with my head in Kenia’s lap sobbing and grieving while she prayed for me. I knew I would not be getting back to sleep that night. I tossed and turned and cried and prayed most of the night.

    The next morning I jumped on a bus and headed to the hospital to sit with Auralia until the truck could arrive to bring Jayson’s body back to Candelaria. I arrived at La Mascota (the children’s hospital in Managua) around 9:30 a.m. and just sat with her listening as she recounted the events of the night before and how she had been informed of Jayson’s death. She was telling me how the news came as such a shock because when she had visited with him that day he seemed to be doing a little better. He was smiling at her and had squeezed her hand before she left. (Visiting with Jayson’s momma in Managua last week- pictured above right).

    I also felt the shock of his death. I know that he had been sick for an extended period of time, but it still felt like a shock. Honestly I believed that he would be healed here on the earth. I believed that a miracle was going to happen. I believed that I would run and play with him again at the church property. That I would hug him, swing him around, and kiss his cheek as he giggled. I really believed that I would see him healed. It was a shock to lose him.

   Now, granted, my heart understands the truth that Jayson is now running in complete healing in eternity with Jesus. I feel peace knowing that he is no longer suffering, but it always hurts to lose someone that you love. My heart is heavy with the weight and grief of this loss. However, I am also thankful. Thankful that his suffering has ended. Thankful that he is with Jesus. Thankful that he is running in healing and joy.
     I saw Jayson just three days before his death. He looked so
frail and weak. He looked like he was suffering. As I saw him that day, I
began to ask the Lord to either heal with quickly or to carry Jayson
into eternity. My heart didn’t want to see him suffer.
     I sat with his momma all morning and afternoon at the hospital. We just sat and talked about Jayson’s life and waited. Finally around two in the afternoon the truck arrived to take Jayson’s body back to Candelaria. It took about 30 minutes to load up Jayson’s body, Auralia’s stuff from her extended stay, and the family and start heading home. We arrived in Candelaria around 5:00. I went straight to Jayson’s house to sit with his family before the wake. Auralia told me at the hospital that they wanted to have some time with just the family before the wake started. Then she looked at me, smiled, and said, “You know, of course, that includes you. You are part of our family.” A sweet gift in the midst of a heartbreaking day!

    During wakes in Nicaragua everyone in the community comes to the house to be with the family. Some stay a few minutes, others a few hours, and some all night long. My heart was breaking, but I had asked the Lord give me strength to be there for his family. I sat in the backyard with them. I held his mom and his aunts in my arms as they cried on my shoulder. I prayed over them for peace and comfort. I would sit with them as long as I can. When my heart was overwhelmed with grief and hurt, I would make my way outside to where the youth were seated. They would hug me, let me cry on their shoulders and pray over me. It was such a beautiful outpouring of the Lord’s love and comfort. Then, when I was able, I would go back in with the family. This cycle continued until midnight when I finally went to get some sleep.
    The next morning I was up early and back at Jayson’s house to hang out with the family as they cooked and prepped for the funeral. The funeral began around 10 in the morning. It was heartbreaking to watch the family, especially Auralia, to grieve and to mourn the loss of sweet Jayson (the family saying their final goodbyes- pictured above left). Like I said, it’s always hard to lose someone you love. But my heart rests in the peace that death does not have the final say. My Jesus has overcome the grave. We have a hope that lies in eternity. It is why my heart can say as David did is Psalm 62:5 “Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him.”
     Although Jayson is rejoicing in glory with Jesus, his family is still hurting immensely. Thank you for the way that you all have stood with us in prayer during Jayson’s illness. Please continue in prayer for comfort and peace for his entire family, especially for his momma. Also be in prayer for us as a church family. 

4 responses to “Rejoicing in GLORY”

  1. Continuing to stand with all of you in prayer as you grieve your loss as well as rejoice in Jayson’s ultimate healing. Love you, friend.

  2. Oh Lindsay! This is so sad. But I am glad you are there to minister to them and support them in their loss.
    We have a Dr. from our area that has a clinic in Nic. She is in a competition with people voting online to get a $5000 prize which she will use in the Nic. clinic. She left Nic with her parents when she was young and excelled in school and went on to Med School at ECU. It amazes me the “maze” and how God intertwines people in our lives.
    Hope you are ok and know I am praying for you. Of course the World Race changed us all, but in reality you were already changed because of your work in Nic. My niece also has connections in Nic with another effort they established several years ago. I think you met them when I was trying to get Ashley’s trashed computer back to the states. Well, we are proud of you. Please keep Ash in your prayers as she determines God’s next moves for her life.

  3. oops i thought this post was for Lindsay Dobner. If she is with you can you pass this on.

  4. Oh how God’s timing is so perfect but often time never makes sense to us in the moment. We continue to lift up you, Jayson’s family, and our church family. Stay strong.