
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

   In the last year or so, a huge part of my ministry has become centered around families with young children, particularly families headed by teenage single mothers. They have captured my heart! I spend a great deal of time in their homes. I embrace, play with, and continually pray over their children. I talk and laugh with the mothers. I just love them!
    More than anything, my heart has always been for the restoration of family. I long to see families healed and restored. My heart cries out to see children well-loved in their homes. I long to empower young parents to know how to best help their children develop. So far I have been doing these things within one-on-one relationships with these women and children.

    However, the week before I left for Christmas in the States, an exciting new ministry opportunity opened up for me. A friend of mine had been talking to someone at Mi Familia (Nicaragua's Department of Family & Children) about the possibility of partnering with them to initiate some of their educational programs here in Candelaria. The head of Mi Familia came to the church to meet with us to discuss how we could best work together. I discovered that they offer parenting classes specifically for parents of children 6 and under that focus on how parents can help foster their child's development. It would be perfect for the young mothers that I love in my community! Most of these are between 17-22 years old and have very little education. They love their children, but there are many things that they just don't know about their children's health, development, and well-being. Mi Familia has the resources, but do not have anywhere to host classes and the people in the barrios where the most needs are found are largely disconnected from the government offices. So, we are able to form a perfect partnership… 

   They have the curriculum and expertise. We have a large space that is already well-known in the community. We also have relationships with the families in our village.

   Starting in January I will be going door-to-door in Candelaria meeting with the beautiful mothers who I am blessed to call my friends and inviting them to come to FREE child development and parenting classes at the New Song church. This will be a wonderful opportunity to help these young mothers and to connect them to resources that they greatly need.
    Mi Familia has said that once there are at least  30 single mothers or couples signed up for classes they will begin their eight-week course. Parents will learn about their child's early development, health concerns and benefits for their children, and what they can do to help facilitate their child's development. I am SO excited about this new ministry opportunity! I'm thrilled about forming partnernships between our mission and the local government agencies. I cannot wait to be able to provide these beautiful families with access to educational programs that will help to strengthen local families. It is something that my heart has longed to do on a grander scale and finally an opportunity to step into this new ministry has presented itself. And I couldn't be happier. 

    Please pray for this new opportunity. Pray that parents in Candelaria will be willing and enthusiastic participants in the parenting classes. Pray for me as I form this new partnership with Mi Familia. It's also a chance for me to build a good rapport with the organization that oversees foster care and adoptions here in Nicaragua. It's a new door opening for a new year of ministry! Thank You Jesus!!

One response to “Parenting 101: New Ministry Opportunity”

  1. I love this!! What a wonderful way to build bridges between the church, the community, and local government, all while participating in something that will foster restoration within families!! Beautiful!