
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

    So far 2013 has been an incredible year! The Lord told me at the end of last year that this was going to be a year of perseverance. And it certainly has been.

"So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised." -Hebrews 10:35-36

    This has been a year of seeing what my heart really wants and being willing to stand in the gap and to keep standing until it happens (praying over the Abide land- pictured above right). This has been a year of love and perseverance. It has been a year of preparation and seeing roots go deep. It has been a year of establishing relationships and programs (Pictured right with one of my sponsored loves, Rafael, from Santa Matilde). It has been a year of seeing beauty in the small daily moments. 

   I feel so blessed to live this beautiful life so filled with joy, momma moments, lots of laughter, seeing dreams come true and life bursting forth!! I have created a video montage that just gives you a little glimpse into life here in 2013. Take a look and enjoy: 

    And don't forget, if you would like to help me as we provide counseling services for abused children, you can give through the "Support Me!" link on the left of this page.

One response to “Oh Life that I Love… (Video Blog)”

  1. You are so sweet and loveable and thanks for sharing the video and photos of Nica children. Thanks for what you do to help them out and lead them in the knowledge of the Lord as well! Hugs!