
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

    I split my time in October and November between being here in Nicaragua and visiting my friends and family in the States. Because of this, I'm combining both months into one photo blog:

I was finally able to finish the wall around the Abide property. The land is now closed in, grass cut (not by me this time), and future garage ramp built. Now I just need for everyone to keep praying that my tax-exempt approval will come through soon so that we can start fundraising for the foster home. I believe the Lord is beginning to move and doors are about to open (more on that soon). Keep praying!


My beautiful friend and World Race sister, Melanie Barber came to visit me for a week just to be a part of my life here and see what it's like in Candelaria. I loved introducing her to all my little loves, doing ministry together in Candelaria, and showing her all of my favorite places in Nica.


Sponsorship program continues to grow (180 kids sponsored and counting!) and so I have been spending quite a bit of my time the last two months visiting newly sponsored kids, doing sponsorship contracts, and delivering good news to lots of excited families. Of course, being in Nica, sometimes you just have to get your hair checked for lice in the middle of contract visits. 


One rainy day I spent the entire afternoon watching movies with my sweet hijas, Yessica and Juanita, and then had them wear these giant raincoats as we walked home so that they wouldn't get wet. They were embarrassed, but it was really fun! I love building a deeper and deeper relationship with them. Recently they have been living part time with their aunt and part time with their dad. With them traveling back and forth, I don't get to spend as much time with them as I used to. Pray for my heart in the midst of that change.


 Rosita, Cadence, Haille, and I were able to go and support Gema at her soccer game. She's been playing on a community league and her team made it all the way to the finals. It was so fun to watch her play and to support her with some of my favorite ladies.


Baby Lisa Margarita was dedicated to the Lord this month. I just adore this little girl and her entire family! I am so honored that they decided to name their daughter after me and my momma and have asked me to be her godmother. They family waited until I returned home from my time in the States before they had her dedicated because they wanted me to be a part of it. Her parents asked me to come up with them and to hold baby Lisa while she was dedicated to the Lord. I loved holding her and praying over her! Her name, Lisa, means Consecrated to God. I believe that she will live forth that name and live a life set apart unto the Lord. I'm believing BIG things for this little girl!


I'm so thrilled that the Gorbetts are here with us for the next six months! I have always loved doing life and ministry alongside Whit. We are so different, but work together with such incredible unity and joy. I also love Kellen's compassion and heart. I couldn't be happier to do life and ministry alongside this incredible Kingdom couple for the next six months!


     This month has been filled with new little baby loves. In the last 6 weeks there have been four new babies born to families that I work with in Candelaria and Santa Matilde (including little Valerio pictured above). I have loved so much visiting with these mommas and their new babies. I love holding them, praying over them, and encouraging their moms. I love my new little ones so much!!


We were able to celebrate Thanksgiving with all of our New Song family (and a few visitors). It was such a beautiful time of community, thanksgiving, delicious food, and just enjoying one another. We had such a sweet family time at the Palmeras house. I am so blessed to do life with this community!


Bonus photos: Here are a few highlights from my time Stateside.

I was able to spend a great time with my wonderful family. I love them so much and I really enjoyed having a few weeks to just be in West Virginia and be with them. I'm so thankful for their love and support and cherish our times together.


For the first time since I move to Nicaragua, I was in West Virginia to take in the beautiful fall scenery. I have missed this gorgeousness!! Every year I try to do a fake fall weekend in Matagalpa, but it's just not the same as sitting at Beauty Mountain, feet dangling over the gorge, and looking at the full beauty of fall in West Virginia. My heart is so happy!


One of the best parts of being stateside in the fall was being there the same time as my best friend, Steph. We have been friends since 2nd grade; she's really more like my sister. She now lives and works in Cambodia. It had been 1 1/2 years since I last saw her and it was wonderful to have a couple of weeks together with my best friend!


I was able to continue a 12 year best friend tradition with my two life-long best friends, Steph and Amanda. Starting the summer before we all left for college, we began to travel an hour away to eat the world's best potato breakfast at the General Lewis Inn. Now our visits become less regular, only when Steph and I are both in the country. I'm so incredibly thankful for almost 25 years of friendship with each of these ladies!


I have the absolute BEST friends!! At the beginning of this month, I turned 30. I love birthdays way more than is typical for grown-ups. I was so excited to start this new decade and really wanted to celebrate in a big way. Thanks to some very generous people and to the best friends a girl can ask for I was able to have a birthday weekend with some of my closest friends in Miami. I felt so known and loved by these ladies this weekend as they planned a celebration that was so geared towards what my heart loves most! Thanks Steph, Linds, Cadence, Mel and Katie for making this an unforgettable birthday! I love you all so much!!


During my month in the States, I was able to celebrate my lovely cousin, Kristin's, wedding to her wonderful new husband, Hank. It was wonderful to be together with all my my family, especially Amanda, Stace, and Kristin. I love them so much! It was a beautiful weekend and I was so excited to celebrate alongside Kristin and Hank.