
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

    As I mentioned in Education & Empowerment, we have expanded our Adopt-a-Student program to Nuevo Amanecer this month. I have spent a great deal of time traveling to this village, conducting home visits for each child, hearing their stories and their dreams for the future. I love getting to know the children and their families. Sweet little Esling (pictured left) has decided that he’s my new best friend! These children have big dreams for their futures, but they need your help to achieve them. If you would like to sponsor a child for education, please email me from the link on the left hand side of this page. 
   I have a praise from within our Adopt-a-Student program… this month I was able to find sponsors for all three of the brothers that are in the most-dire financial situation. (To read their story, read The Poor Among the Poor). I returned to visit David, Marlon, and Luis (pictured right- after receiving the news) and give them the good news that they would be returning to school in February. They were thrilled!! I love being able to see real changes come to their lives.  
   I have been working alongside of our Sunday School program for months now. I have been falling more and more in love with the kids and with the program itself. However, it does make me miss being a teacher a little bit. I love teaching the youth who are Sunday School teachers and being with the kids each Sunday morning (Rosita praying with her boys after class- pictured left). I am getting to know more and more of these beautiful children through this program. This month we have been learning about the fruit of the Spirit and I have even had the opportunity to teach of couple of times. Oh, how I love it!

    Of course, Rosita and I continue our bromas! I love our crazy friendship!! This time Rosita decided that she wanted to draw all over my face with a dry erase marker about our friendship. Haha! I just sat there and let her have her fun while everyone else looked at us like we were crazy. (The finished product pictured right) This is always her way of showing love. Most people don’t understand our friendship, but I sure do love it!!

    I was able to make a couple of afternoon trips to Bethel this month to hang out with Yahaira in her home. I love being able to spend time with the youth in their own homes. It’s so much fun to really be a part of their lives and family. Also, I just love Yahaira and it’s been good to have such long periods of time just hanging out with her. She has so much wisdom.   
    This month I also started a discipleship group with Kenia and Rosita (pictured right). Both of these girls have such a heart for the Lord and are really ready to walk with Him fully. We have been reading the book Captivating together and talking about what it means to be a woman of God. I just love both of these girls and their hearts for the Lord. I am so thankful to be a part of their daily lives and now getting to speak deeper into their hearts and lives about how to walk with the Lord. It’s also been amazing to see as more and more of the girls hear about the book and have come to borrow one to read at home. I love to see them having their hearts healed and longing to walk with God as the women He created them to be. It’s beautiful!
   At the end of this month, we celebrated the 15th birthday of my lovely friend Cristel. She has just started coming to our youth group over the last few months. She has such a sweet spirit. Cristel didn’t want the full out pink dress, huge celebration quincenera, but we did have a great celebration with all of the youth and her family celebrating her life and who she is. (pictured left with Cristel and the Lara sisters)