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  This highlights blog post will be short because I was only in Nicaragua for the first two weeks of November before heading to the States to celebrate Thanksgiving with my family. Here are a few highlights from the month:

    This month my friend Jasmina gave birth to her beautiful baby girl. I have been anticipating the birth of this little lady for some time. Those of you who have been following my journey here, know that I have been building a relationship with Jasmina for over a year now. Jasmina even asked me to name her baby girl for her. Jasmina wanted a unique name that no one here in Nicaragua had (I’ll admit it’s difficult to find names that no one has that are still easy to pronounce in Spanish). I began praying for what to speak over her life through her name. I searched and prayed for a long time and came across the name Katalin Adaya which means pure jewel of God. So, here is introducing Katalin Adaya. I was blessed to even be able to go to the hospital and visit her and Jasmina there before they were released to come home (Katalin pictured above left in the hospital).

    At the beginning of this month, I celebrated my 28th birthday. (To read some of my reflections starting into this year, read My Journey: 27). It was such a wonderful day! I was able to skype with my best friend and some amazing World Racers in Cambodia in the morning and then celebrate that night with my beloved church and youth here in Candelaria. The youth surprised me with a party that night after church. They had worked so hard planning, decorating, and cooking for the party. I loved it!! It’s exactly what I would have wanted to do. We danced the night away and just enjoyed being together! (Pictured above right with Gema, Elisa, baby Belen, and Paula at my party).

   Of course my birthday had to include Rosita cracking eggs on my head! However, she was very merciful and waited until the end of the party to start with the egg-crackin’ fun! I was also surprised that this year’s celebration only had 5 eggs cracked on my head. It was hilarious running through the streets with Rosita as she cracked all the eggs and all the other youth tried to avoid getting too close. (Rosita and I pictured left after all of our egg crackin’ fun)

   My wonderful New Song family and I were able to have an extended birthday celebration in San Juan del Sur, a beautiful beach town about 5 hours south of Chichigalpa (pictured below right). I had been wanting to visit San Juan del Sur for awhile, but it’s always been a little too far away for our usual Monday/Tuesday days off. However, November 6th was election day in Nicaragua. During this day, you aren’t allowed to have any sort of large gatherings of people so we had to cancel our church service and Sunday school program for that day. Unable to have any of our church activities, we thought we would take a long weekend and make the trip to San Juan del Sur. We found a great little surf hostel right on the beach and spent a couple days relaxing. They even treated me to a nice birthday dinner one night! I love my New Song family!! 

   Another birthday this month is that my precious little girl, Baby Junieth, is turning 1. Her birthday is November 17th. Unfortunately, I won’t be here to celebrate with her, but I do celebrate this year of her life and the relationship that the Lord has given me with her and her family. This little girl has captured my heart in a way that I never could have imagined. I have loved building relationship with her and her family over this past year. To read more of my story with baby Junieth, read:
1. The Road to Relationship & Redemption (Part 2)
2. Dedication
3. A Momma’s Heart
4. Suckers, Hugs, & Whispers of His Love
5. Difficult Realities

I have been so thankful to be a part of this little girl’s life during this first year! I love pouring out the Lord’s love over her, playing with her, holding her, and kissing her cheeks every day. I can’t wait to see what the Lord has in store for her and for her family in this next year!

   I was able to go and visit the three brothers from Nuevo Amanecer again this week. I am enjoying getting to know Marlon, Luis, and David more. They are such sweet boys! I have been amazed at the outpouring of support and love for these boys after I shared their story about a month ago (read it here: The Poor Among the Poor). One of our supporters sent money to buy a new bed for the boys so that they were no longer sharing one tiny cot. (The boys pictured right on their new bed). We took the bed to the boys and they were thrilled!! I love being able to bless this precious family! There are so many other children in need of sponsorship. If you would like to sponsor another one of our precious children for only $25/month, please email me at the link on the left side of this page.

   Once Jasmina and sweet Katalin arrived home from the hospital, I was able to spend an entire afternoon with them (pictured left). I loved just being there hanging out with the two of them, talking to Jasmina about how beautiful Katalin is, and cradling Katalin in my arms and praying over her. I have already fallen in love with this sweet girl!! I can’t wait to be a part of her life and to see the beautiful plans that the Lord has for her. I have been anticipating her arrival and it was such a sweet afternoon sitting with momma and baby.   

    Rosita and I have started having sleepovers at her house about once a week. Even though I was only here for 1/2 the month, we were able to have three sleepovers at her house. (Enchilada dinner in bed at one of our sleepovers pictured right). Oh, how I love this girl!! I love entering into her world and really being a part of her daily life in a new way. I’m also getting to spend extra time with her entire family through our sleepovers. I love just lying there at night talking and laughing with Rosita. She is opening up more and more during our sleepover nights. I am so thankful for this time we’ve had together!!

   November 12th marks one year since Barb Coupe came to work with us here at New Song. We have been blessed to have Barb here with us working with our short-term teams, sharing the gospel in the villages (especially Nuevo Amanecer), teaching Bible study to Whitney and me, and working with our youth. She has a heart for evangelism and for teaching young people to walk with the Lord. The Lord has also used her to comfort widows within the community. We are thankful for Barb and glad that the Lord has brought her here. I had a great time celebrating her one year anniversary with her!

*I am still in need of additional one-time and monthly supporters starting now. To read more, read Will You Join Me? or give online by clicking “Support Me!”

One response to “November ’11 Photo Highlights”

  1. I don’t know if I have said this already, but I LOVE the name you chose for Jasmina’s baby. It is so beautiful!!! I also love that you & Rosita are having regular sleepovers. =) One of the best ways to really bond with someone!! Love you & so excited for all that God is doing in & through you in Nica as well as for your time home with friends & family this month! =)