During my time on the World Race, I saw more and more of God’s heart for the nations and understood more of my own heart. My heart is to advocate for and be family for the orphaned, abandoned, and abused children and teenagers. This passion for ministry is leading me to a tiny village called Candelaria, Nicaragua to work alongside New Song Mission (NSM).
I first visited Candelaria in August 2008 with my World Race team. I remember walking the dirt roads of Candelaria and seeing the poverty of this small village. As I began to build relationships with the people, I saw that this is a community controlled by gang violence and fear. The lives of the people are full of brokenness. Here are a few of their stories:

Their stories broke my heart. However, this isn’t the final chapter for Candelaria. Yes, it is a community full of fear and brokenness, but it is also a community being transformed by the grace and love of God! Revival has begun in Candelaria, specifically among the teenagers. During my month in the village, we saw three teenagers accept Christ and eleven baptized. These teens have been transformed by God’s grace.
Itzel has found God as her Father. She understands His love and has such an intimate relationship with him. She was baptized while we were in Nicaragua She has been growing in God’s truth and love ever since. God is bringing healing to her heart. She now serves as a leader among the youth bringing others to the hope she found in God.

God is moving in this village, but there is still so much more that needs to be done. There are so many more broken people who need the hope of Christ. Here are two examples:
Nubia is a 16-year-old single mom who is pregnant with her second child. She is in and out of an unhealthy relationship with her children’s father. She was abandoned by her father and tries to find her worth in relationships with me. She is living on her own with a 2 year old daughter and a baby on the way. She barely has the money to feed her family. She needs assistance to meet her immediate physical needs, skills training that will help her find a job, and most importantly to know her worth as God’s beloved.
Elvin is a precious 8 year old who loves playing baseball. He also lives in a house that is the center of gang activity in Candelaria. He is constantly surrounded by drugs, violence, and stealing. Elvin has so much potential. If someone doesn’t reach him with God’s truth, he will mostly likely become another teenage dropout and gang member. He needs to be shown a different way to live- the way that leads to abundant life rather than destruction.
So I am returning to Candelaria in January 2010 to work full-time discipling new Christians and continuing to bring God’s love to the broken and hurting of Nicaragua. Please pray for me and consider joining me in Nicaragua.