Linda, Diego, Kenia and I (pictured left) just had an amazing weekend in the mountains of Matagalpa. We enjoyed one another’s company, the beauty of the Nicaraguan mountains, amazing coffee, and time worshipping the Lord. It was just an incredible weekend!
We left Matagalpa and began driving through the curvy mountain roads on our way to pick Tommy up from the airport. We were in the middle of nowhere when suddenly the truck started smoking, smelling like burnt rubber, all emergency lights on the dashboard came on and the power steering cut out. Diego maneuvered the truck to the side of the road.
So here we are stranded on the side of the road on top of a mountain in the middle of nowhere. This is not the first time that the truck has broken down. In fact, over the last few months this has been a fairly regular occurrence. Fortunately, we serve a God who is incredibly faithful in the midst of our truck’s unfaithfulness!
Diego and Linda begin looking at the engine and trying to figure out where the smoke is coming from and what is burning. Quickly they realize they have no idea what is wrong with the engine or how to fix it. We called our mechanic in Candelaria and he offered to come to us on motorcycle and fix the truck, but we knew that it would be at least 4 hours before he even arrived to where we are.
We sat there just looking at the engine wondering what to do next. Then Linda says, “I can’t wait four hours for a mechanic. Jesus I need a mechanic that is here now. Send us a mechanic that can help us!” Not even 30 seconds later, a truck stops on the side of the road to see if we need help. Two men hop out of the truck and the younger one says, “Don’t worry. He [the older man] can really help you. He’s a mechanic.” PRAISE JESUS!!!
Linda threw her hands up in the air in worship as Juan Jose (our mechanic) began to fix to truck. What an amazing answer to prayer that the Lord brought us a mechanic to the middle of nowhere within 30 seconds of praying. The men had everything we needed; they brought about five gallons of water for our radiator and tools from their car and fixed the problem with the engine. Apparently the hose that runs between the engine and the radiator had a hole in it, leaked water, and then begin to burn the hose. Juan Jose repaired the hose and sent us on our way.
And just for extra hint of the Lord’s faithfulness, Tommy’s flight had been delayed an hour which allowed us to all arrive at the airport at the same time. Our truck may be unfaithful, but our God is incredibly faithful!!
~ Lamentations 3:22-23
Hallelujah……Thank you God that you have such a faithful one who believes your Word and uses it by faith: ASK
Leave it to Linda to just trust her Daddy to supply when she asks! That’s our gal.
We will keep praying for your new truck and for this one to keep trucking on until the new one arrives. However, if you had the new one, this incident would not have happened and God would not have been able to SHOW OFF to teach you all another valuable lesson in his faithfulness to provide when you ASK.
I LOVE this story. What a beautiful picture of God’s faithfulness to us and the love He pours out on us. Sounds like you had a wonderful time. I am so happy you were able to enjoy each other’s company and spend time with Jesus!
God is so Great and to know he hears us even when we don’t no if he will is a God’s blessing!!!! Good things happen to good people… I hope he makes way for ya’ll to get a new truck!I’ll be praying!!
And when you think that Jesus would have had to put those men on the road with all their equipment and get them to where you were BEFORE you prayed, it boggles the mind about His faithfulness. We serve an amazingly BIG GOD, and Linda prays BIG PRAYERS. You guys live an adventurous life. Love you all.
I love this story! Once i locked myself out of my car at a gas station and prayed that God would send help. After 15 mins or so a man pulled in behind me who broke into cars for insurance companies for a living and had all these tools in his truck to open car doors. I told him the make and model of my car and he grabbed the right tool and opened the door no sweat. God is so amazing. Love the story Lisa!
What a wonderful praise and what a wonderful God we have. He is always there for us! Praying for all of you! Love you Lisa