We started the month celebrating Jovanny’s 17th birthday. It was exciting because we were able to throw Jovanny his first birthday party ever! Jovanny has been having a lot of difficulties in his family so it was really incredible to see his church family come around him, celebrated who he is, and make him feel special. We took him out to dinner, had a party at the church, danced (of course since it’s Jovanny’s favorite), and followed the Nicaraguan tradition of cracking eggs on his head.
The month of May also brought the return of the rainy season. All throughout March and April (the hottest months of the year in Nicaragua) I have been praying for rain. Well this month it came down in buckets!! We had over 36 hours of unending torrential downpours and flooding. It was so good to see the rain again, but it did make for a boring week when all the services were cancelled and everyone stayed in their houses. Of course it was fun to play basketball in the pouring rain with some of the little kids.
The best part of this month was seeing my beautiful friend, Junieth, begin a relationship with the Lord! She is so precious!! My teammate and friend, Ashley led Junieth to the Lord one afternoon while visiting at their house. I love to see the way the Lord moved on her heart after encountering His love! The very next day Junieth wanted to talk to her best friend with whom she had been fighting for nearly a month. Junieth wanted to go and apologize to her friend and begin making things right.
One of the hardest parts of May was saying goodbye to Ashley and Jacob Willingham, two of our teammates. I LOVE these two so much!! They have been doing such amazing things for the Kingdom and for the youth here in Candelaria. It was hard to say goodbye and our community here isn’t the same without them, but we had an incredible last week celebrating with them! Please keep praying for them as they transition to life back in the States and discover more about what God has for them next.
The week before Jake and Ashley left, Ashley, Lindsay, and I had a sleepover with all of the girls at our house. We had so much fun with all of our girls!! It was a great night of laughing, dancing, singing, watching movies, praying, and worshipping together. The girls were so excited to have time together just us ladies!
May also brought the celebration of Mother’s Day which apparently is almost as big of a deal as Christmas here in Nicaragua. Lindsay and I were able to cook breakfast in the morning for Coni, our Nicaraguan momma just to say thank you for loving us and taking care of us while we’re here. She was so surprised and felt so special that she just started to cry. We also had a huge celebration at the church including games, dances, prizes for mothers and time of worship and preaching. Jovanny even convinced Lindsay and I to be a part of a salsa dance for the mothers (pictured right).
May ended with the celebration of Lindsay’s 22nd birthday. I was so excited to be able to celebrate with her. Lindsay has been my roommate and my best friend here in Nicaragua for the past 4 months. I really prayed that God would send me community here in Candelaria and He answered that prayer in abundance. I have been so blessed to have Lindsay here to hold one another accountable, pray and worship together, and laugh nonstop! We
had a wonderful day celebrating Lindsay! Rosita took Lindsay out for the day so that the youth could decorate and prepare for the surpise party that they were throwing for her. This surprise party included a special Nicaraguan dinner, dancing, more than 10 eggs cracked over her head (pictured left), and a huge cake fight which left us both with faces and heads completely covered in cake icing. All Nicaraguan birthday parties tend to end with a massive cake fight… I love it!
I know I said it before, but I am SO EXCITED for Junieth! I love that girl so much, my Nicaraguan daughter. Hug her again for me. 🙂
steph hugging people now?? what is up with that?? always love your lifestyle of self sacrifice. that is what it is all about
so happy that you are happy and doing well. You look great. Hug Anthony for me :o)
first of all HAHAHA to zach’s comment. people do change i suppose.
lisa buschina i love “hearing” your voice as i read your blogs and imagining your life in nica. did you think of me during the salsa dance? haha 🙂 what a blessing you are to candelaria and i pray the Lord is giving you everything you ask for and imagine! love you so much.