
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

    We celebrated our first wedding among our staff this month. We were thrilled to stand with Kenia and Diego and celebrate with them as they start their life together. You can tell from the photo above that it was a joy-filled day. We're so happy to welcome Kenia into our family and our house. 


   I know that this is a second wedding related highlight, but apart from the love that we celebrated between the two of them, it was also just an incredible time of enjoying and basking in the love of our New Song family.  Several of us were able to stand with Kenia as her bridesmaids. We loved being a part of her day in that way. We also had so many visitors who came for the wedding both from the States and other parts of Nica. We just had a wonderful community time together. And the entire bridal party learned a dance to perform together at the reception. We just had the BEST time together. I'm so thankful to be a part of this beautiful family! (Thanks Evan Dixon for capturing this moment!)


    I've loved working with my precious little 1st and 2nd grade loves through a literacy group in Santa Matilde. We've been practicing our handwriting and learning all of the letters of the alphabet. We even played alphabet bingo (pictured above) which the kids LOVED. This is becoming one of my favorite parts of the week.


   This month sweet little Lydia had to go to the hospital with a bad infection. While her parents were with her at the hospital, we helped to take care of baby Elisa. She stayed at our house or with Pastor Walther and Claudia for the 10 days that they were in the hospital. I love this family and was honored to be able to help them out in this way. And helping to care for a colicky one-month old taught me so much. It was challenging and beautiful. I'm thankful to be a part of a community that really comes together to support one another in times of need. And I love to watch the compassionate, nuturing way that Walther and Claudia lead their church in Santa Matilde. I'm learning so much from them!


    Cadence and I were able to go and visit a couple of the schools where our sponsored kids study. This month we went to see all of our elementary kids in Santa Matilde and our high school kids in Candelaria. I love getting into the schools, seeing kids in their classes, and talking with teachers about how we can best support their academic growth. I also love when our little 7th graders are so excited to see us when we arrive. The older high school students don't always feel the same. They are usually embarrassed by our presence, but sweet Tania and Jose Reynaldo (pictured above) came running up to me with arms open wide. I love these kids!


    I love to watch our youth program continue to grow. I love working alongside Kenia and Sandra. I love seeing 35+ youth eagerly arriving each Wednesday night. I love to see how intently they listen to the scripture, to hear their laughter as we play games or perform dramas together, and to hear their honest heart answers as we dive into scripture together. I believe in them. I believe that they will walk in all the greatness that the Lord has for them. I'm excited to see where this will lead. Be praying that these kids will come to have real relationships with Jesus.


    My heart is so filled with JOY knowing that I am one step closer to seeing the dream of the Abide Home become reality. Please continue to pray with me as we work through the IRS requirements for non-profit status. This month has been filled with a lot of personal intercession (sometimes at the Abide land- pictured above), answering questions, approving by-laws, etc. and seeing some other amazing people fight with me in prayer, communicate with the IRS, and work on the website so that when this last piece falls into place we can sprint forward to see this home be built. I love being on the Abide land and feeling the peace that resides there. One morning Cadence and I carried chairs from the house, my coffee mug, my journal and my Bible; we sat in the early morning light inside the Abide land, let the peace there rise up around us, prayed for the Lord's movement in this process, and listened to Him speak into this dream. I love what He's doing! I believe new doors are opening soon. Keep praying!