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Thoughts & Inspiration

   Love speaks. One small act of love speaks volumes to hurting hearts.

    I spent the afternoon walking through the dusty roads, past the sugar cane fields, taking off my sandals and wading across the creek with these beautiful barefoot children. I chased them as they laughed and squealed. We visited homes and chatted with families. I talked with kids and hugged them as they waited to have their pictures taken.
   Our visit to La Isla wasn't a social visit. We were there for a specific purpose. We came to photograph children, to expand our sponsorship website. And yet what the kids walked away with was love. In every service, in every meeting, in every part of ministry we long to speak forth love.

   The next morning, Rosa, our cook, who is from the same village told me that all evening all the kids were excitedly chatting about our visit that afternoon. All she heard was that I had come. I had stayed the whole afternoon. And the kids were saying, "She loves us. She really loves us."  Speak love today. You never know the difference that a small act of love will make in the lives of the hurting and broken.

*Due to changes in financial situations, I have had a couple of monthly sponsors that were unable to continue giving. I am in need of a couple more monthly or one-time sponsors. If you would like to join with me in ministry by making a tax-deductible donation, please click the "Support Me!" link on the left side of the page.

3 responses to “Love Speaks.”

  1. Living the Gospel is much simpler than we sometimes think. This is beautiful, friend. You speak love fluently, and it shows! =) Love you!!

  2. I LOVE THIS! If we’re not doing all of these things to speak His love, we may as well give up. You show His love as well as anyone I know. Love you!

  3. Hey Lisa, I love keeping up with you and your name and ministry is called before the Lord everyday and will always be here for you. you are a very special gaL! I would loveto help financially but things are not good right now! I haven`t been able to help Jonathan with his ministry yet! I know God will meet your needs and he has Jonathan`s too! Love you gal!