Our month started with an epic adventure! We were planning to go and visit Volcan Masaya for their night tour. I was already excited because even though I've been here over three years this is still something that I've never done. However, when we arrived at the volcano we were told that the night tours had all been canceled because the volcano had just erupted two hours prior and was still spewing sulfuric gas and smoke. However, the staff then told us that if we wanted to go up to the crater we could, but only for 10-15 minutes because of the sulfuric gas (pictured right at the smoking crater). We had a once-in-a-lifetime experience gallivanting and laughing on a volcano that is still spewing smoke and ash. Maybe not the safest adventure, but an incredible experience nonetheless! (To read the full story, read: A Little Gallivanting Fun…)
Cadence, Haille, and I were so blessed to be able to attend a conference hosted by Bethel School of Ministry in Matagalpa, Nicaragua. A team from Bethel in Redding, California arrived to minister and pour out to pastors, church leaders, and those in full-time ministry in Nicaragua. It was an amazing few days of Spirit-filled worship, incredible Kingdom community, challenging teaching, prophetic ministry, and the beauty of HIS Presence! It was such a wonderful week and was a huge blessing to us just to have some time where we are being poured back into since we are constantly pouring out here in Candelaria. (To read more about this conference, read: Choose Joy & All I See is HOPE)
The summer months, as always, have brought a revolving door of visitors to New Song. I love the fresh life that summer interns and teams bring as they come through Candelaria. We have had a couple of summer interns, visitors who are considering long-term missions, solar power installation teams, and church teams that have been with us this month. (Team from Harvest House Church pictured with the kids in Santa Matilde- pictured right) We are really thankful for each of the people that the Lord brought to serve alongside of us this month.
During the week of the Bethel conference in Matagalpa, Cadence and I were able to begin to share our hearts with one another. Since then we have started meeting twice a week for Bible study and accountability time. It was been such a gift to my heart to have someone to talk with and to share my heart with. It's also been good to be able to challenge one another to go deeper with the Lord and to push one another deeper into His truth. I am so thankful for her and for our friendship!
Our sponsorship program continues to grow. I love being a part of this program! I love sitting in homes and visiting with families to connect them to resources that they need in order to reach their full potential (pictured right doing sponsorship home visits). Now that Cadence is working with me in the program, we have been able to implement some additional services that I have been longing to begin, but couldn't without additional staff. This month we officially started English classes
in all four of our outreach villages, began offering weekly tutoring sessions for students who are struggling in their classes (Cadence tutoring in Santa Matilde pictured left), and honoring top students from each village during each grading period. I love to see how this program continues to grow! It's been so great to have some more hands working together which frees me up to begin dreaming for where I long to see this program move rather than just struggling to maintain what is already being done.
At the end of this month we did a little mini-retreat with our Sunday school teachers. We went out to Campusano, a beautiful and secluded swimming pool. It turned out to be a perfect day to be there because we were almost the only ones there. We spent the morning in Bible study, prayer, and worship. We spent the afternoon playing and laughing at the pool (Playing in the pool- pictured right). As we were in the pool, I was able to pull people aside and talk with them one on one about their lives, families, and walks with the Lord. I really enjoyed having the entire day with these incredible teenagers!
My sweet little Katalin Adaya is growing up so fast (pictured left)!! She has started talking more and more. I love coming to work every day to hear her calling my name from her yard. Every morning I will walk over to see her and she will come to running up and wrap her arms around my neck. It is the sweetest part of my day! Then once she has given me my daily hug, she will just start waving saying, "Adios Lisa." Gosh, I love her!
Of course, my girls are always a highlight of my month! I try to spend as much time with them as I can just being together and pouring into their lives. One of my favorite things is my sweet Sunday evenings with my girls. Every Sunday night I spend our church hours sitting with my beautiful hijas (pictured right). I love sitting with Juanita and Yessica on my lap or holding my hands and whispering, "Mama…" as they tell me stories about their week or ask me questions about worship. I just love this time with them! It's the highlight of my week! I love just being with them. I love the time to pray over them. I love entering
into the Lord's presence with my girls there with me. I feel like the Lord is just growing in me more and more of a desire to be their mom in real ways. The Lord told me that this would be a year of learning what my heart really wants and I really want to be their mama! I am just praying and asking the Lord to continue moving and continue giving me a deeper connection with my beautiful girls!