The Lord is answering our prayer for more harvest workers!! I'm so excited that over the next few months we are going to have more long-term workers here at New Song. It's a really exciting time for us. Because the Lord is sending more workers, we need to expand our house to make room for this ever-growing staff. This month we have begun to build two additional dorm rooms onto the mission house. This is step 1 in a 3-step building process for our mission as we prepare to accomodate all of the new long-term missionaries that the Lord is sending our way. This is such a HUGE answer to prayer and I have been rejoicing in the Lord's goodness.
Also this month, my wonderful friend and gemela (twin), Cadence Snyder came back to Nicaragua to work with us for the entire summer (Cadence and I pictured left). I couldn't be more excited!! Cadence was here last April and May with her World Race team. I was particularly close with their team because they were here with me during Anthony's death. When Cadence was here with the World Race, everyone just called us "the gemelas" or twins because they all thought that we look so much alike (although we don't really see it). She was such a huge support for me in the weeks following Anthony's death and has become one of my closest friends since. I'm so glad to have her back in Nicaragua, even if it's only for a few months (for now at least).
Cadence has such a big heart for youth and especially for middle schoolers. She, along with Patrick, will be starting a middle school discipleship group for our kids who are 10-13 years old. This will be such a wonderful ministry opportunity because currently there isn't much offered for the kids in this age group. They are beginning to feel too old for the children's programs and aren't yet old enough for youth group. I have been longing to see outreach for this age group, but we haven't previously had staff who were able to do it. I can't wait to see how the Lord is going to move through them this summer!
Also, Cadence will be helping to fulfill some of my current roles next month while I'm in the States. She is going to help Jovanny with the English classes that we have been teaching in Nuevo Amanecer and will be following up with Gissell while I'm gone. I just love her and am so thankful that she is here with us for the next couple months! Hopefully the Lord will lead her here for a longer period of time.
I have been continuing to enjoy my sweet Sunday afternoons with Gissell. We have made plans to hang out every Sunday afternoon between our Sunday school program in the morning and evening service. We have been doing different things each week: ice cream dates in the park, walking all through Chichigalpa talking about life, making crafts, playing cards, etc. (Gissell and me hanging out at Eskimo ice cream shop in the park- pictured right) Our afternoons together have just been so precious. I just love getting to spend my whole afternoon pouring into her and letting her know that she is valued and loved! This has become one of my favorite parts of the week. For more on her story, read: Protecting Innocence.
This month I was able to see some practical differences that our student sponsorship program is making in the lives of one of our families. I went to Santa Matilde to visit our sponsored students there. I saw that sweet little Luis was really sick. He had a sore on his foot that had become infected. He was so lethargic and in a lot of pain. Through his sponsorship, he was able to receive the medicaiton that he needed. When I visited him at his home, he looked miserable. Through his sponsorship, we bought the anti-biotic that he needed to clear up the infection. The next time I saw him he was running and playing with his two older siblings (Luis playing in his yard- pictured right). This program is not only giving children a chance at education, but is making such a huge difference in their lives! Through the program, this family is also building thier bathroom at their home. We are able to help them build an outhouse in their yard. Previously the family had to go to the neighbors' house everytime they wanted to use the bathroom. If you want to make a difference in the lives of one of our beautiful children for only $25/month, check out our sponsorship website:
You know from my previous blog posts (Crossing the Jordan & Entering the Land and Resting in HIS Favor), that I have been working to buy land for my future foster home for children. The Lord has provided all of the money that I need for the land, but the actual purchase has been taking a long time. I should have expected that because I know how slowly things tend to move in Nicaragua. However, I will admit that it has been a frustrating process this month.
I knew that I needed some reinforcements in interceding for this land. One afternoon I travelled to the land with Linda, Whitney, Cadence, Rosa, Kenia, and Coni to intercede over the land, the buying process, and the children who will one day call it home (praying over the land pictured right- photo by Whitney Foreman). I am so blessed to be surrounded by so many amazingly strong women of God who are standing with me and believing with me for this dream! It was a powerful afternoon to be surrounded by women of faith- both American and Nicaraguan- standing and interceding together asking our Father to move on behalf of His daughter and release my land to me. The Lord is moving and He does not delay in keeping His promises (2 Peter 3:9).
One of the biggest things that has been happening in my life this month, is all that the Lord has been doing in my relationship with Jasmina and sweet baby Katalin Adaya (Cudding with Katalin- pictured left). If you don't know the story, please read Protecting Innocence (Part 2). To give a short recap: Jasmina was being abused (again) by her boyfriend, Surdo. She called the cops and had him arrested. She was worried about what to do for herself and for Katalin because he had threatened her life. I offered to take Katalin Adaya and keep her safe for a few days until things calmed down.
As much as their situation breaks my heart, I really am proud of Jasmina for beginning to stand up for herself this time. It's the first time that I have seen her not just accept her fate as an abused spouse, but really begin to demand that he treat her with respect. It's a really big step for her. Jasmina is so precious and has such a big heart. I would really love to see her being treated with love and respect, the way that she deserves.
I also really loved the fact that Jasmina trusted me with Katalin. I love that little girl with all my heart! I love getting to be a part of her life. The Lord is using her to stir in my heart more and more the desire to be a momma to the beautiful children here in Nicaragua that just need someone to love them. Pray for Jasmina and Katalin that they will be able to get out of their abusive situation. (Hanging out with Jasmina and Katalin in their palm branch hut on the new land they are trying to claim- pictured above right).
I have been so excited about what the Lord has been doing in Rosita's heart! Much of this work actually began last month, but I have loved seeing how she just continues to walk in wholeness. If you've been following my ministry here in Candelaria for awhile, then you certainly know Rosita. (If not, read more about her here: Jesus, My Firm Foundation). She is an incredible young woman who is so in love with the Lord and is allowing His love to draw her into more and more freedom and wholeness. Rosita was abandoned by her mom as a baby and has always held anger in her heart towards her mom because of her abandonment. Last month, Whitney was teaching on forgiveness and Rosita decided that she needed to go and forgive her mom. I talked to her about it a week or so after she made this decision and Rosita told me, "I know
that the Lord wants to completely free my heart. I know that I'm not going to be able to walk in that freedom if I'm still holding on to this anger and bitterness. And I want to be FREE. I want more of HIM. So, I'm going." Her desire for the Lord is leading her to reconciliation and greater holiness. Towards the end of last month, Rosita asked Whitney to go with her to see and to offer forgiveness to her mom. (Read the full story in Whit's blog: The Girl Who Walks Whole). Love won out over hatred. Forgiveness won out over anger. And a young girl chose freedom and LIFE over the bondage of bitterness that she had carried for so long. I love that this wasn't just one moment of choosing wholeness, but I have been able to watch Rosita continue to walk out this forgiveness over the last month. She is a beautiful little fire-bringing daughter of God and one of my best friends here in Candelaria. I can't wait to see how the chains continue to fall off as she walks in greater and greater freedom and healing!
It's been great having Cadence and Patrick here to plan our Friday night activities. I love that we have one night a week for the youth to just hang out and enjoy being together. I think that it's really important for them to have that fellowship time. And we do have so much fun together, but honestly I don't really like having to plan Friday night activities. I don't really enjoy planning all the games and the running and the team builders and then trying to yell above all the craziness to be heard in order to explain new rules, etc. However, having some people here working with us who actually enjoy planning all of this craziness and who bring creative new ideas (like rope swing games- pictured above left), it frees me to just hang out with the youth that I love so much (pictured below right with some of our amazing youth)! It makes me
love our Friday nights so much more!! I can join in on the games when I want, sit and watch laughing, or catch up on one-on-one conversations with youth who need someone to talk to. I have been really thankful that Cadence and Patrick have jumped right in and taking over all of the planning for our Friday night fellowship nights this month. They are doing an incredible job! We have had nights full of competition, team building games, and my favorite was playing new rope swing games. The youth loved it!!
I had to get one last sleepover at the Vega house before my trip to the States. Cadence, Patrick, and I all went to spend the night with the Vegas. I just love this family and love my nights at their house (Rosita and I cuddling and laughing on our "bed" on the floor of their living room- pictured left). There is something so precious about getting into people's lives and homes in that way. Of course with Rosita there were food dares. She talked Cadence and Patrick into drinking raw egg straight out of the shell with lime and salt (yeah, this was one food dare that I turned down). We hung out with Rosita and Junieth talking and laughing until nearly midnight. Then we stayed up laughing and playing Nicaraguan card games before finally becoming too exhausted to stay awake any longer. These sleepover nights never give me much sleep and I'm usually completely exhausted the entire next day, but it's so worth it for sweet, fun moments with this precious family that I love so much!
I was so excited to spend my last few days in Nicaragua with our wonderful New Song staff and a few of my favorite youth girls. We went to Leon and the beach taking Gema, Rosita, and Kenia with us. We had the best time running around Leon and then piling into the back of the truck to head to the beach for the day. We were also blessed to have some great short-term visitors with us as well (everyone pictured right at the Las Penitas beach). I am so blessed to work alongside and spend my life with all of these lovely folks! They are wonderful examples of Christ's love who really push me to MORE in Christ.
The biggest highlight of all is that… I'M A LAND OWNER!!!! (Pictured below left standing in the middle of my land celebrating the goodness of my God!) On my very last day here in Candelaria before my trip stateside, the Lord opened doors for me to buy my land for my future children's home. I have been trying to buy the land all month and was starting to think that it wasn't going to happen before I left. So, we got a bunch of prayer warriors together and started praying over the land (see highlight above). And the Lord moved on behalf of our prayers!!! The lady who owns the land called me on Saturday and I was able to purchase Sunday afternoon. I bought her last two plots of land on my last day in Candelaria before heading stateside. I just love how the Lord works!! While I'm gone the rest of the New Song staff and my Nica family, are going to build me a fence to close off my land until I'm ready to build and have a day of prayer and fasting over the land. Just one of the many reasons that I love my family here!! And one day this land will be home to some beautiful Nica children!