After being back in the States during the month of May, one of my favorite parts of being back in Candelaria is having time with my kids catching up one-on-one or in small groups. Of course Pizza Hot is the place most often visited on these outings. I love getting to have time to just sit with them and hear more about what’s going on in their lives and just enjoy being together.
Of course I couldn’t wait to get back to all of my bromas (pranks) with Rosita!! The rainy season is here which creates lots of mud puddles for our mud hugs. Plus we have had cake fights, liquado fights in the rain, and she decorated my face with glue (pictured right). I love my hilarious friendship with this girl! To read more about Rosita, read Jesus, My Firm Foundation.
Barb, Whit, and I have been bonding and enjoying a lot of girls’ nights, weekend trips, and time hanging out together. I love these ladies so much and am so blessed to work alongside them!! We have a great time together, support each other, laugh hysterically, and speak life over one another. I am so thankful for them!! We have also started a Bible study together on Friday mornings on Biblical
womanhood. Barb has been sharing so much of her wisdom from her walk with the Lord and from her 27 years of marriage. It’s been really interesting to dive into these topics together. I feel like the Lord is really challenging me and giving me new revelation of His heart. It’s been incredible!!
June 13th is my brother, Abel’s birthday. I loved getting the chance to celebrate with him again this year. We took Abel and some of his friends out for pizza the night before his birthday. The next morning Barb, Whit, and I showed up singing at his house and bringing cake. Most families don’t do much to celebrate birthdays. I love the chance to shower out love of the kids and just make them feel really special on their birthdays.
June 19th marked two months since Anthony went to be with Jesus. While many of us are still mourning and hurting immensely, the Lord is bringing forth so much new life in the midst of Anthony’s death. On the 19th, Anthony’s family, some of his closest friends, and some of our staff were able to go to his grave site. It was such a peace-filled day. We sat at the grave laughing and telling stories about Anthony. I still miss him so much every day, but I love to see how the Lord is using Anthony’s life and death to draw his friends to seek God more. I love that I can trust that my God is ALWAYS a God of life!
Rainy season is back in full force. I absolutely LOVE the rainy season. There are so many advantages: slightly cooler weather, water that works almost every day, and tons of rain playing adventures!! I love it!! I love riding a bike through the rain with Rosita, mud hugs, and splashing in giant mud puddles with the kids. The rain makes my life so fun!!
A couple weeks ago we had the most fun Friday night activity. We hadn’t planned anything special, but the youth were just enjoying being together that day. We laughed harder than I have in a long time. The kids had decided to play giant games of Ninja girls v.s. guys. We didn’t play until the last person won; just until there were only girls or only guys left. The competition was so intense! Of course the girls won most of the time that night and were dancing around in victory all night.
Kenia has been teaching a little girls’ dance class for months. They performed another dance this month in church and I was blown away to see how anointed their dancing was. They are growing so much in expressing their worship through dance. I just love to watch the Lord move through them. Pray that they will continue to worship the Lord through their dance and that this ministry will be entirely focusing on glorifying God!
Our church saw five people come to know Christ this month. One is a man who is dying of renal failure. He accepted Christ and was baptized. He came one night to share his testimony. As he shared about beginning his life with Christ and the peace that he now feels, four more women came forward to accept Christ. I love seeing the church grow and more and more people come into relationship with the Lord.