
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration


The end of December and beginning of January we had our friend Julio Padilla visiting New Song (staff breakfast with Julio the morning he left). It was so great to have him here with us. Julio has such a heart for the Lord. As a native of Central America and a fluent Spanish speaker, Julio is able to go deep into discipleship with the guys here. I love to see him coming alongside the youth guys, hearing their stories, giving them advice, and praying over them. Thanks Julio for all you do!!

   I have spent several sweet afternoons at the Corner House. I love more and more just being with this family, especially with Jasmina and baby Katalin. I am enjoying my lazy afternoons sitting around with the family and embracing sweet Katalin Adaya in my arms (pictured right). I talk and laugh with the family, play Nicaraguan gameboy with Elvin, pray over sweet Katalin. I love it so much!! It’s one of my favorite parts of ministry here.

    Of course I always love my time with my girls! The Lord has given me some amazing, beautiful girls that I have the honor to disciple. I love to see how this just continues to expand and grow as I am able to build deeper relationships with these wonderful girls. I am so thankful for them! (Pictured left with some of my girls at our Friday night youth activity)

   I love my relationship with the precious kiddos in my neighborhood!! Over this past year, I have built deeper and deeper friendships with the families who live on my street. I have loved getting to know them and falling in love with them. I adore my sweet hugs from their beautiful children and playing with them each day (hugs from Dalila and Julissa- I can’t get enough of this!).

   One of the best parts of this month was getting to take the Sunday school teachers and Jayson’s family to Managua to visit with him and his momma. (To read the story, read Fighting in COMMUNITY). It was so wonderful to see Auralia with her family and especially with her 8 month old daughter, Griselda (Auralia and her family pictured left). I think it was a huge encouragement to her to be able to be with her family for the day. I also loved how the church came around her to help meet her needs.

    I feel so blessed that the Lord gave me time with sweet Jayson before he died. It was such a gift for my heart to be able to tell him all the things that I wanted to say. I have loved being a part of his life this year… hugging him, playing with him, and just falling in love with Jayson and the other kids on our street. I am so incredibly thankful to have had time to tell him how much I love him, his joy and laughter, and just who he is. Also, as much as it hurts to say goodbye to someone that you love, my heart feels at peace knowing that Jayson is with Jesus running, laughing, and full of JOY again. Thank you Jesus for that blessed hope!

    We were also blessed to have a team from FBC Boone and from Concordia University working with New Song at the same time (New Song staff and the two teams pictured left). I honestly have never seen two different teams work so seamlessly together. There was such a beautiful unity between these two teams! They did so much work painting the roof of the church, fixing the fence around the property, updating some of our electric work, building relationships with the teenagers, and teaching Sunday school in Candelaria and Santa Matilde.

    We were able to take 20 water filters to our outreach church in La Isla. This was such a huge blessing for that community. They live deep in the heart of the sugar cane fields and their water sources are contaminated from the pesticides used (To read more on this story, read: Rivers of Living Water). There are such a high number of people dying from renal failure and various types of cancer. I sat watching the children play and sing as we assembled and distributed the water filters to each family (Pastor Pablo and his family pictured right with their water filter). I know that access to clean water will provide these precious children with longer and healthier lives.

    This month I have begun our Adopt-a-Student home visits in our outreach village of Santa Matilde (some of the beautiful girls in Santa Matilde pictured left). Once these home visits have been completed, we will be able to find sponsors for the children in all of our outreach villages. I love going into the villages, entering the homes, getting to know the children and hear their dreams for the future. If you would like to help a child dream for the future through school sponsorship, please email us at [email protected] For only $25/month, you can help a child achieve their dreams!

    I am thrilled to see the youth stepping up and beginning to teach one another. This month we have had three of our teenagers teach our Wednesday night youth Bible study. Jovanny taught on how to be a teenager committed to the Lord (Jovanny pictured right ready to teach Wednesday night youth), Kenia taught on wisdom, and Gabriela taught on accepting the sovereign will of God. All of their teachings were well-planned and filled with the truth of Scripture. I am so excited to see them stepping into greater authority and ministry within the church. It’s so good!!

   The last couple weeks of this month we were blessed to have Anna visiting with us. She has been such a personal blessing in my life these last two weeks!! I have just had the best time hanging out with her.  We have loved sharing stories about our lives, visiting homes together, playing with children, and sharing our hearts for the Lord and His Kingdom. She and I have such similar hearts. She just radiates Jesus!! She is seriously one of the kindest people I have ever met! I’m so glad that you came to visit with us Anna.          

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