I remember standing out on my land with a group of powerful prayer warriors praying and asking my Father to release my inheritance to me (Read: Releasing Inheritance). It was a powerful morning of prayer and the Lord did move on behalf of His daughter. He released my land to me and two days later I was standing and celebrating on the land that I now own.
I mentioned in my previous blog post, Don't Squander the Season, that I have been in a season where I feel so retrained and held back. As I have returned to Nicaragua, I am seeing that this pattern isn't just happening in my life and ministry, but is happening in the mission as well. We are in need of breakthrough. We need our Father to move in the spiritual realm on behalf of His children and begin to release the things that have been held back. I remember when I was trying to buy land that this process of meetings scheduled and cancelled had been going on for months. Finally as I gathered some incredible prayer warriors together we began to intercede and something sifted in the spiritual realm. Inheritance was released and two days later I was a land owner. So, we are calling all prayer warriors and praying for release, for breakthrough, for a shifting in the spiritual realm. Here are all the things that are currently in need of breakthrough:
- My residency: All of my residency paperwork was accepted in February and my residency card was supposed to be ready March 25th. I was in the States so I went to pick it up mid-April once I returned home. I was told that it wasn't ready yet and I just needed to wait. Then I was told it would be ready April 30th. I called this morning and they are now telling me that it will possibly be ready on Friday. PRAY.
- Abide: You all know that I'm in the process of setting up my own non-profit, Abide, to cover my foster home. It is approved at the State level and we have a bank account set-up. However, I'm still waiting for my IRS approval for my tax exemption. I was supposed to have that information by the end of March, but I am now being told that the IRS is behind in process 501c3 paperwork and I need to wait for an indeterminate amount of time. Pray for favor and that my paperwork will be processed quickly. I am still hoping to begin construction next dry season (sometime between December '13-March '14), but I cannot begin fundraising for this project until the non-profit has IRS approval to receive funds. I need to breakthrough the beaurocratic redtape.
- Water Projects: We currently have a team of scientists here that have been working on providing water filtration systems and researching the cause of the chronic kidney disseas that is killing so many people in our area. They are here this week to complete some specific water projects and add a solar pump to our water tower. However, all of their solar panels and water systems are held in customs. They have been traveling back and forth to Managua trying to get these items released from customs without huge fines or taxes. They are there today with our lawyer working on that process. If we do not get the items released within 20 days, they become government property. Pray that our items will be released TODAY so that the team still has time to install the systems and pumps.
- Abuse: I am in the middle of investigating an abuse allegation dealing with one of my little girls in Santa Matilde. We are working to gather enough information to make a formal case report with Mi Familia. I'm working together with Pastors, leaders, and medical staff to collect infomation. Pray for truth to come forth, for protection for this sweet girl, and for the case report and investigation with Mi Familia.
Mis hijas: You all know about the two sweet daughters that the Lord has placed in my heart,
Jessica and Juanita. They are still living with their aunt who really loves them, but the situation is becoming more and more stressful. Their aunt is not receiving any of the financial help that she is supposed to be receiving to care for the girls. The aunt and her family just do not have the means to care for the girls without this help. It's beginning to cause tension in the home and their aunt is suffering from stress-related health issues. The girls have also been acting out. They need a place to go where they can be cared for both emotionally and physically. Their aunt's house has been a wonderful place for them to find love and healing, but they are struggling to provide for their financial needs. I want to be their mom. They want to live with me. Their aunt is ready to give permission for them to live with me. However, I currently have nowhere to house them. I need to be able to move forward with the foster home so that I am able to give my beautiful girls what they need. Please pray for breakthrough in my non-profit status so that I can keep moving foward. Pray for continued healing for my girls. Pray for Rosa, their aunt, for her health and for provision. Pray for the situation with their dad that he will give the girls the money that they are due.
We need breakthrough in several areas and we are asking everyone to intercede with us!
It’s great what The Lord is doing. Lisa keep up the good work! I am also in need of a breakthrough and with Gods help… We will see it.
Your obedience to our Lord’s plan and Faith in Him is amazing. It is a privilege to lift you up in prayer! YBIC- Jae
Isn’t it wonderful to experience first hand God’s unequivocal response to our prayers? This article strengthens not just my faith but also compels its readers to trust in the Lord. Certainly you are doing a magnificent work for the Lord and only eternity will reveal the real impact of your ministry in the life of those people who are so precious in God’s eyes. Only eternity will reveal your true reward. You are in my prayers.
God bless.