Every Sunday morning our property is filled with the laughter and joy of nearly 200 children (ages 2-15) coming down to the church for our Sunday school program. The majority of these children come to the church faithfully every week even though their parents are not members. We sing songs to the Lord, laugh, dance, and play together, and teach stories from the Word each week. (Some of the children playing games during Sunday school pictured right) This is a place for the children to come where they feel loved and accepted. They are learning that the Lord loves them and how to love others in return. I love to be a part of this program! It’s really one of my favorite things to do. I love getting to know more and more of the children in the community, getting to pour out His love to them, and being a surrogate momma for so
many beautiful children (like sweet Carodin pictured left). I spend every week greeting the children, hugging them, telling them that Jesus loves them, and hearing about their lives. They just fill my heart with joy!!
My role in the Sunday school program is working as a director. I am blessed to work with an amazing group of teachers who are all from within the youth that I have been discipling for the last two years. These teenagers continually amaze me! They have such a love for their students, are becoming more responsible, do a great job teaching classes and leading the entire Sunday school program, and are getting involved in the children’s lives outside of the church. I love seeing them give back after they have been poured into! It’s such a beautiful thing! (Rosita pictured right teaching her class) I am so proud of them!
My role is to search out curriculum for our Sunday school program, meet with the Sunday school teachers each Friday morning to teach them the stories and help them develop questions and teaching strategies, and am a part of the Sunday school program each Sunday morning to observe and oversee all that is happening. The youth completely run the program; I just come alongside them and support them.
I have been searching out curriculum for our Sunday school program. I found a new curriculum that I love! There is a book called The Jesus Storybook Bible: Every Story Whispers His Name. It goes through the entire story of God from Genesis to Revelation showing how each story points to Jesus. The book comes in Spanish, is written for children, and beautifully illustrated. I think it would be an amazing way to teach the entire story of God with a focus of the centrality of Christ.
I would really like to purchase 11 of these books (one for each of my teachers and one for myself) and begin using it for our Sunday school curriculum. Each book costs $12 and the total cost would be $132 to be able to implement this new curriculum. I have curriculum written that will carry us through July (my next visit stateside). I am hoping to be able to purchase these new books and bring it back to Nicaragua with me to begin teaching from it in August. If you would like to help me purchase this new curriculum, you can make a tax-deductible donation by clicking “Support Me!” on the left side of this page. And please leave a comment below letting me know that your donation is for Sunday school curriculum.
Lisa, I love the impact that you are making in the lives of the youth. I made a donation to purchase one book (the Jesus Storybook) for your new Sunday school curriculum to begin in August. Dios te bendiga
I am celebrating that God has already accomplished this!
Hello! I went to Kenya in ’99 with AIM and love reading your blog. I just made a donation with part of my tax refund to help with school supplies. Feel free to use it wherever needed.
God Bless!