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These beautiful children have BIG dreams for the future! Please consider helping them achieve these dreams. For only $25/month, you can make a difference in the life of one of these precious children from Candelaria, Santa Matilde, and Nuevo Amanecer.

Name: Victor Alfonso Cruz- ALREADY SPONSORED!!
Birthday: May 28, 2008
Age: 4
Village: Candelaria

    Victor lives with mom and older sister. The family doesn’t have a home so the entire family is currently living with their grandmother. Their home is made of sheets of plastic and sticks. The tin roof is rusting and the house often floods when it rains. They are such a precious and close-knit family, but they  are struggling financially.
    Victor is in his first year of preschool. He really loves going to school. In his free time, he loves to play with his sister, cousins, and neighbors. Victor has such a sweet personality and loves to laugh. Without sponsorship, it is unlikely that he will graduate from high school. Please consider helping him study consistently and dream for a better future.

Name: Martha Elena Castro Cruz- ALREADY SPONSORED!!
Birthday: April 26, 1999
Age: 13
Village: Candelaria

    Martha lives with her parents, younger brother, and a cousin who their family took in when his parents left him. The family really loves and cares for one another, but they have been struggling financially. Martha’s father has renal failure and is unable to work. He is receiving disability payments from the sugar cane fields, but it is not enough to sustain the family. Her mom has now begun working at a farm to help supplement income. The hours are long and the work is difficult. It provides just enough money to pay their bills and put food on the table.
    Martha is currently in her first year of secondary school (US equivalent of 7th grade). She is an excellent student. Her favorite class is civics. Martha has a servant’s heart. She arrives early every Sunday so that she can set up the chairs and clean the church in preparation for our Sunday School program. She is also very intelligent and sweet natured. She loves scripture and has more verses memorized than any other child in the church.  When she grows up, Martha dreams of attending beauty school and becoming a stylist.

Name: Eva Mariana Tomas Domingus- ALREADY SPONSORED!!
Birthday: December 18
Age: 9
Village: Nuevo Amanecer

            Eva lives with her parents and six siblings. The family lives in a tiny house with only one bedroom. Eva’s mom doesn’t work. Her dad has seasonal work for Ingenio San Antonio (the sugar cane company), but this only provides him with employment for half the year (November-May). During the six months when her dad is working, the family is able to meet their basic needs. During the six months of unemployment, they are often without food and other necessities. Eva and her twin brother, Adan, both have asthma and need medication. They are a family who lives in great poverty, but also great love for one another.
            Eva is currently in 3rd grade. Her favorite class is mathematics. She is taking community English classes to improve her English. When she grows up, Eva wants to work as a secretary.

Name: Pedro Jose Gonzalez Espinoza
Birthday: August 14
Age: 13
Village: Nuevo Amanecer

            Pedro lives with his mom, stepdad, and younger sister. Pedro’s father is not involved in his life. Pedro’s mom is a stay-at-home mom caring for her two children. His step dad works driving as a chauffer. Pedro is in need of medical care because he is significantly underweight for his age.
            Pedro is currently in his second year of secondary school (the US equivalent of 8th grade). His favorite class is mathematics. In his free time, Pedro likes to play soccer and watch television. He wants to study computation and dreams of working with computers.

Name: Eduardo Jose Dolmos
Birthday: October 28
Age: 6
Village: Santa Matilde

            Eduardo lives with his mom, aunt and uncle, and cousins. They are a very close-knit family who love one another and are active members of the local church. However, the family struggles financially. They live in a small house made of sheets of plastic. Eduardo’s mom is working for Ingenio San Antonio cutting sugar cane. She only works 6 months of the year (November-May). When she is working, they are able to meet their basic needs. When she is without work, she and Eduardo struggle to survive.
            Eduardo is currently in first grade. His favorite class is math. He loves playing baseball. In his free time, he plays ball and works on his homework. Eduardo dreams of becoming an engineer.

Name: Anayesi del Carmen Bustillo Dia
Birthday: April 28
Age: 8
Village: Santa Matilde

            Anayesi lives with her parents, grandparents, and three sisters. Her dad works 6 months of the year harvesting sugar cane (November-May) while her mom stays at home with the children. When her dad is working, the family is able to meet their basic needs. When he is unemployed, they often are without food.
            Anayesi is currently in first grade. Her favorite class is Spanish. In her free time, she likes to draw and to play with her three sisters. She dreams of going to medical school and becoming a doctor.

   You can help these children stay in school consistently, get a good education, and dream for a better future. This program provides the students with necessary school uniforms and supplies, free medical and dental care, free tutoring as needed, and personal discipleship. For only $25/month, you can help them achieve their dreams!