
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

   At the beginning of the year, Cadence, Sandra, Kenia and I started a new youth discipleship program for the 13-19 year olds. The first night we were surprised as nearly 40 teenagers poured into the tiny living room desiring to know the Lord in a deeper way. As we talked that first night, I discovered that less than 1/3 of them currently have a relationship with Jesus.

    These youth are beautiful, amazing kids who are hilarious, intelligent, talented, and capable of completely transforming their community as they live out their God-given destinies. I believe in who they are created to be. I long to see them come to know the fullness of the Lord and to run forward building His Kingdom as the beloved children that they are.  (Alison and Keyla- two of our precious youth girls- pictured right). 

    They are curious about the Lord, but holding back. I've been battling in prayer for their hearts the last few months. Praying for their hearts to be open to Him and listening to the Lord to pray and prophesy over them. I see the Lord speaking to them and moving on their hearts. I believe a harvest is coming! 

    One night I was praying over beautiful Junieth. I know the Lord's been pursuing her heart. He's drawing her into relationship with Himself. As I prayed over her, I began to tell her, "Now is your time. the Lord wants your heart. You are made to be powerful in His Kingdom. He has beautiful plans for you. Now is the time. He's calling you. Now is your time." As tears streamed down her cheeks, she knew it was true. However, something was still holding her heart back…. 


   Last week she showed up at my house one night telling me that she wanted to talk to me. She just stopped by just to let me know that earlier that week she had given her whole heart to the Lord. Praise Jesus! I was so excited to see the joy just radiating from her face. She's planning to be baptized in a couple weeks.

    I believe that Junieth is the first fruit of an outpouring of the Spirit that is coming among our youth. Over the last few weeks we have begun to open up time of ministry after our teaching. We have made this time optional so that we only have those who really want to stay and seek more of the Lord. We've been finishing our night with times of worship, prayer, hearing from the Lord for one another. It's been amazing to watch as the Lord speaks through His children to His children. To see His words fall heavily upon their hearts as they receive love and encouragement and feel the Father speaking into their unique situations. It's been really beautiful! I'm praying daily that they will desire the Lord more and more. I know that all the fullness of life, love, joy, peace, power, and grace that I've found in my life has come through Jesus. I just want to see them encounter what their hearts are longing for in Jesus as well. 

   Please join me in praying for our amazing youth that they will come to know the love of Jesus in a real way and learn to walk with Him. 

One response to “First fruits”

  1. Lisa it warms my heart to see what you and the others our doing in the different communities. You are such an influence on these children and that is that is exactly what they need. Hopefully some of these children will accept Christ into there lives and many others will follow suit. God is doing good things through you. God is GREAT!