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Thoughts & Inspiration

    This time eight years ago I was getting ready to start my first year as a teacher in Atlanta (pictured below left in my classroom). It was the only thing I ever wanted to do. I remember being in first grade and I already knew that I wanted to be a teacher. I was constantly playing school with my friends and cousins. And yet once I arrived at this long awaited a destination I discovered that while I love to teach, I didn't really love being a teacher. I loved my students! I loved seeing their eyes light up when they finally understood a difficult concept. I loved seeing the transformation when they began to believe in themselves. I loved actually teaching. But I hated all the bureaucracy. I hated feeling like my hands were tied to provide the things that my kids really needed. I hated when it became more about test scores than celebrating the actual progress an individual child made. I hated seeing needs of their hearts that I could do nothing about in a classroom setting.  

    I loved the actual act of lesson planning, engaging my students and teaching itself, but I couldn't stand the thought of watching my compassion being slowly stripped away through the rigid expectations placed on my students and on me. I was afraid that if I stayed, I wouldn't like who I became 10 years down the road. And so I left the only job I ever wanted…


    Now, six years after leaving the classroom, I find myself living out the dream I never knew I had. More and more I feel like an educator again, but in the way my heart always dreamed of. No longer bound to the confines of a classroom or the restrictions of public education, I feel free to simply see the greatness in each of my kids and call it forth in any way necessary. Sometimes that comes from advice as a surrogate momma. Sometimes it is as an advocate fighting for better care at home or better education. Sometimes it is as a teacher making new or difficult concepts come to life. Sometimes it's as a parent coach working together with the entire family to bring forth real transformation. Sometimes it is as a mentor calling my kids deeper into God's heart- the only place where they will truly find life. I love the freedom I've found in living out a life that I never realized that my heart always wanted.

    I love to see the beauty and greatness that the Lord has placed in my lovely kids and to have the privilege to call them forth to walk in it. I love celebrating Anayesi's sassy determination, Fani and Grethel's sweetness, Jovanny's unquenchable thirst for knowledge, Esling's joy, Kenia's anointing to transform her community, Jose's intelligence and dedication to school, Rosita's strength and fighter spirit, Yessica's compassion, Maryuri and Jose Miguel's ability to encourage and cheer one another on, Juanita's courage, Veronica's persistence, Rafa's studious attention to detail, the power of Gema's words and the beauty of her grace, Makeyling's leadership ability, Ramon's strong desire to learn and succeed, Julissa's enthusiasm and love, Linda Melissa's patience and pure heart, Domingo's kindness, Marileyssi's nurturing spirit, Maria's confidence, Sandra's wisdom… I could go on all day. These children and teenagers are filled with greatness as beloved children created in their Father's image. I absolutely love that my job in to see their unique beauty, to call it forth, and to believe in their success. I also get to call their families to recognize and celebrate the greatness within their children. I have the privilege to be an educator in the most holistic way I can imagine and I am thankful everyday. 

*As a side note: I didn't mean anything against teachers in general with the first part of this post. I think that classroom teachers are incredible, creative, intelligent, compassionate, and changing the world. I just realized that in the classroom is not where my heart is meant to be.

6 responses to “Finding Greatness & Calling it Forth”

  1. I love watching you as you allow the Holly Spirit to call forth what the Lord has created each of these beautiful ones to be. I am so happy you have found your passion in life and are getting to live it out.

    I love you my sweet one.

  2. I’m glad you are living your God sized dream of teaching in Nica. I’m so glad I met you and just enjoy following your posts. God bless you and keep you and may you just continue to share God’s love wherever you go. Hugs!

  3. Wow, I love it. Anyone that meets you can see God’s love shining through your hands and feet. It’s a powerful thing to allow yourself to be used everyday…I loved reading this. I can imagine you sitting at the coffee shop, in your table, starring out of the windows, and smiling as you reflect on those beautiful children and God’s love. Awesome!!

  4. You passion is contagious! May we all live the fervent life of love stretched to its limits! You are an encouragement to so many. God bless you!