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If you haven’t read the first part of this story, read Fighting for LIFE.

    Yesterday was Jayson’s 6th birthday. His sixth birthday should be filled with parties, family and friends, birthday cake, and a pinata if you’re Nicaraguan. However, Jayson’s birthday is filled with hospitals, medication, respirators, feeding tubes, and infection, cancer, and pain. 
   This is just another one of the moments that makes me realize this world is not as it should be. More and more this year, my heart has begun to long for eternity. COME LORD JESUS.

    I went to visit Jayson and his momma for his birthday. I really just wanted to be with him to celebrate his life, pray for him, and tell him again that I love him. However, I wasn’t able to actually see Jayson. Visiting hours didn’t start until 3 p.m. and since I had to be home in time to translate for the evening women’s service I wasn’t able to stay long enough to see him. I’ll be back to him next week when I can stay longer. 
    I sat with Auralila (Jayson’s momma) for over three hours. We talked and laughed sharing stories about Jayson. She even told me that the last time I went to see Jayson that she was talking to him afterward and asked, “Did you talk to Lisa?” Jayson nodded yes. And then she said, “You want to go to the church and play with Lisa, don’t you?” And Jayson got really excited ans started nodding yes as much as he could. Oh, I can’t wait until he has been healed and I can run and play with him again! I believe it will happen!

   Jayson’s health continues to remain about the same. His tumor has grown. He awake, but still connected to a respirator and feeding tube. He has developed an infection in his blood and lungs. Thankfully, he has now received medicine to remove the infection. The doctors continue to give little to no hope of recovery. Jayson’s life is in the Lord’s hands. Only a miracle of God can restore his life.

   Yesterday I spent my time with Auralila. She is such a strong woman and loving mother! Auralila has been staying with Jayson at the hospital in Managua for two months now. Hospitals in Nicaragua don’t really have places for families to stay. So Auralila has been sleeping outside on the sidewalk on a piece of cardboard every night for two months now (Auralila pictured right sitting on her bed). She is alone. The doctors tell her that her son is dying. She has hours and hours just sitting and thinking. It has been a difficult couple of months. She sleeps outside every night fighting against the cold and the mosquitos. She does it all because she loves her son and she wants to be with him when he needs her.
    The doctors continue to tell her that there is no hope. They tell her that her son will die. But Auralila is clinging to the Lord. She continues to ask Him and to believe for a miracle. Every day she talks to Jayson she tells him. “You are well. The Lord is healing you. You just need time to recuperate and then we will go home.” She continues to proclaim the Lord’s healing over Jayson. She is fighting in FAITH for her son’s life.
     The Sunday school teachers have decided to gather items that Jayson and Auralila need and take these things to them on Friday. We will be fasting and praying together and then making the trip to Managua. We will be praying with both Auralila and Jayson. We will be taking blankets, pillows, shampoo, etc. for their extended stay at the hospital. Auralila even asked if we could bring an outfit for Jayson something that he can wear the day that she finally gets to take him home. Please keep praying and believing with us for a miracle for Jayson.

3 responses to “Fighting in FAITH”

  1. In this way love is made complete that we love one another. Love expressing itself in faith!!! You are all doing it! Sp proud of you and believeing with you. I love you!

  2. I prayed for your visit Saturday throughout the day. I’m sorry to hear you weren’t able to see Jayson but so glad you could sit with his sweet mom and be an encouragement to her. I am continuing to stand with all of you in FAITH and pray for a miracle.

    May He grant you your heart’s desire
    And fulfill all your counsel!
    May the Lord fulfill all your petitions.
    Psalm 20:4-5

  3. I am praying for this precious little boy, that God has his hands around him. I am also praying for provision and strength for his mother. And the last is Im praying for a miracle. I pray for the cancer to be gone in Jesus name. I love you LIsa and I love what you are doing in Nicaragua. Keep your head up and your heart fully engaged in what he is doing!