On February 2nd, I celebrated two years of life and ministry here in Candelaria. Oh, how I have loved these past two years!!! The Lord has blessed me immensely with an amazing family here as well as ministry that I absolutely love among the teenagers and children. Over the past year, my ministry has grown from being entirely focused on the teenagers and has now expanded to include Sunday school, our Adopt-a-Student program, and ministry among the families in our community.
The night before my 2-year anniversary, we had such a sweet time with the youth as they were speaking words of encouragement and love over me. They really blessed my heart!! Also, Rosita and Kenia came into my room, blindfolded me, and surprised me with little presents (pictured right hugging Rosita to say thank you for my gifts). I love these two girls SO much!! Thank You Jesus for my sweet family and beautiful life here!! If you haven’t seen my year 2 recap video, check out my blog post Two Years Ago Today…).
This month school begins again and we were able to bless our students in our Adopt-a-Student program with backpacks, school supplies, uniforms, and shoes for the new year (pictured left three of our precious girls from Candelaria with their new backpacks)
I have also loved to see how this program has grown as we have found 10 new sponsors for our kids in Candelaria, La Isla, and Santa Matilde within the last month. Praise Jesus!! There are still over 200 children that are in need of sponsors. If you would like to sponsor a child for only $25/month, please email us at [email protected].
This isn’t really a highlight, but it is a significant event from the last month. On February 7th, Barbie Coupe went back to the States for a sabbatical after 14 months serving with us here at New Song (pictured right with Barbie the day she was leaving for the States). Barb came to New Song November 2010 and has had an amazing ministry doing evangelic outreach in Nuevo Amanecer, working with our short-term teams, teaching the youth and the women, and ministering to new widows in the village. Please be in prayer for her as she is taking a time of rest in Florida, regulating some issues with her blood pressure, and hearing from the Lord for direction in ministry.
Whit is finally back with us in Candelaria after four months in the States. I am so excited to have her back (Whit and I pictured left)!!! She and I have the best time living and ministering together. She is a great friend, encourager and prayer warrior, overflows joy everywhere she goes, and is a beautiful reflection of Christ. I am so thankful to have her here! She is such an asset helping me with the youth ministry and Adopt-a-Student program. She also works with our dance ministry and is moving into a greater role with public relations and fundraising for the mission.
I am also so glad to have Tommy and Linda Gable back together here in Nicaragua (Linda and Tommy pictured right in the home in Matagalpa). The Lord has done an incredible redemptive work in their lives and family!! They have returned to Nicaragua together and are living in the northern city of Matagalpa. They are also traveling to New Song every weekend to pour into the staff, for Tommy to continue teaching and training the pastors, and for Linda to help support the clinic staff. It has been such a blessing to have them back in Nicaragua. They bring such strength, wisdom, and life here. I am especially grateful to have time with Linda. She has always mentored me and poured into my life. Since their return to Nicaragua, I have spent a lot of time
talking, processing, exercising, laughing, praying, and worshiping with her. My heart feels so full. I was even able to take a couple of extra days off this month to go and visit with the Gables in Matagalpa. They long to have a home that can provide a respite for long-term missionaries. I spent two days praying and worshiping, spending time alone with Jesus, working out with Linda as my personal trainer (pictured left at the gym with Linda), eating amazing food, and enjoying their company. The whole weekend brought so much peace and joy to my heart!!
Thanks to a generous donation, I was able to buy myself a bicycle at the beginning of this month (thank you John & Jane Greene!). It has been wonderful to have my own transportation. Owning a bike has been a good source of exercise and has cut my grocery store time in half (I used to walk 45 minutes one way to go to the grocery store). It has also given me the chance to go on biking adventures with my youth which I absolutely love (pictured right biking through Candelaria on our way to La Isla with some of the youth). One afternoon we biked to La Isla to go swimming. It takes about an hour to bike through Candelaria, Chichigalpa, through the sugar cane fields and river to arrive in La Isla, and then over to the swimming pool. It is an absolutely gorgeous ride!! I was just biking and talking to the Lord when I looked over to my
right and saw the sugar cane field, the bright blue sky, and an incredible view of San Cristobal, the largest volcano in Nicaragua, across the horizon. I could stare at this beautiful scenery all day! It just shouts out the glory of the Lord!!
After the hour long ride, we arrived at the La Isla swimming pool (pictured left with some of the youth at the pool). It’s a tiny pool with a dirt floor and little fish that nibble at your heels. We had a great time swimming and playing in the water. I love adventures with my teenagers!!
I spent some sweet afternoons hanging out with the family at the corner house. I really love spending time with them. I was even able to go swimming at the dam with them one afternoon. It was so much fun! We biked through the sugar cane fields to get there and then spent hours swimming and playing in the water. My favorite part was getting to play with my little girl, baby Junieth, in the water. She LOVED it!! I have also just enjoyed sitting in the yard passing the afternoons talking and laughing (Andres and baby Junieth pictured right). This month has been a really difficult month for their family as they have had two deaths in the family. I am praying that these tragedies will open the door to talk with them of God’s love and our hope in eternity. Please join me in praying for this precious family that I have grown to love so much!
Many of you already know that the Lord has been opening so many doors this month for my long-term dream of having a home for children who are orphaned, abandoned, and abused. (To read the beginning of this story read: Ushering in a New Season). The shift really began with the words of the Lord, but I’m starting to see the first fruits of change in the physical realm as people have begun to contact me who want to partner with me in this dream. I have been meeting with people here in Nicaragua who are doing similar things and figuring out what is possible and what are next steps. Currently my next step is to work towards getting my Nicaraguan residency. I’m hoping to have it by the end of the summer. Please pray for favor with the government in this process. Pray that the Lord will continue to reveal to me the doors that He wants to lead me through in pursuing this dream. I believe that this year will bring some big and exciting changes in my life and ministry. My heart is exploding with joy at the possibility of getting to be a mom to beautiful children in Candelaria who need family!
Fun update! Great to see Tommy and Linda back in action! You do a great job of keeping up with blogging.