I think name meanings are important. I believe that names have the power to speak something really beautiful over your children day after day…
Two months ago, one of our precious families in Candelaria gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. They decided to name her Lisa Margarita (after my momma and me). I adore this precious little girl so much already! I love being welcomed in to their family and just loving and doing life together with them. They are one of the most precious families that I have encountered. They are one of the rare families in this community who have both mom and dad present. Erwin and Derma love each other and their children so well. It is beautiful to watch parents
love their children and to see the way that the children's hearts are set at peace in the midst of that unconditional love (Erwin holding his youngest daughter pictured left). They are the most precious family! Erwin and Derma recently rededicated their lives to the Lord. They are following after the Lord and teaching their children to do the same.
Last night baby Lisa was dedicated to the Lord. We as a church blessed her, prayed over her, and promised to stand by and support her parents as they raise her in the Lord's love. I was able to take a special part in her dedication. Her parents have asked me to be her godmother. They asked me to hold her and to join them as they came up for her dedication (praying over baby Lisa during her dedication pictured below right). It is such an honor to love, pray over, disciple, and call my little namesake forward into the fullness of who she is created to be. The name Lisa means Consecrate to God. This beautiful girl is only two months old, but each time someone speaks her name they are calling forth the truth that she is set apart unto the Lord. I am believing BIG things for this little beauty! She is set apart for the Lord and His purposes. I believe that as she is raised in love, she will go forth and wholeheartedly love others. I can't wait to see who she becomes and to be invited to speak into her heart and life.