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"Have you ever let yourself be loved by the One who made you? Have you ever told your soul to believe that His heart is on your side…. So just be loved, be loved, He loves you. Just be loved, be loved, He loves you…" -Christy Knockles, Be Loved

    I held her in my arms quietly singing these words over her heart. Be loved. Know and embrace your identity as a daughter deeply loved by your Father and Creator. I rock her gently, kiss her forehead and pray. I pray over her life, identity, and calling. I speak over her the truth of who she is.

    I've been awaiting her arrival. A new little love in my life. My heart has also been heavy, battling in prayer for her heart. I know she is making her entrance into the world unwanted. Her family wanted a son. Even when the doctors said that the new baby would be their fourth daughter, they refused to believe it. They kept claiming, "It's a boy. We believe he'll be a boy despite what the doctors said." All the girls referred to the baby as their little brother. When I receive the news that a beautiful baby girl had been born, I worried that she would feel unwanted. That she would feel not enough.

    And so I pray. I hold her as tightly as I can. I love her. I pray that her family will love her well. But more than that, I pray that she grows up knowing the love of her Father.

"How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!"  -1 John 3:1