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   It's that time of year again! Our kids started back to school February 13th. We just finished our big school supply give-away through our Adopt-a-Student Program. Every February we are able to bless the children in our church with backpacks and notebooks for the new school year (Jonathan, Elias, and David pictured right with the backpacks they received February 2011). Those students who are sponsored through our Adopt-a-Student program are also able to receive their uniforms and shoes for the new year as well as free medical and dental care from our New Song clinic.
   For many of our children, this program is the only way that they are able to attend school.
   We are still looking for a large number of sponsors for our children in Candelaria, Nuevo Amanecer, and Santa Matilde (praise Jesus all of our kids in La Isla are now sponsored!). We have been so blessed to have eight additional children sponsored this month. For only $25/month you can open the doors to consistent education and help a child in our community dream for a better future. Please prayerfully consider sponsoring one of our children. Below I am including photos and a short bio for some of our children with immediate needs for the upcoming school year. If you would like to sponsor one of these children, please email us at [email protected].

Candelaria Children: Candelaria is our main village where our mission base and New Song church are located. Candelaria is a lively village with music blaring at all hours of the day, children playing in the streets, food carts shouting out their items for sale, and neighbors laughing and talking (and sometimes yelling) together. It is a village of extreme poverty. It is my home. Here are a few of the precious children in Candelaria who are in need of sponsorship.

Name: Jeferson Ismael Briceno Jiron

Birthday: November 24th

Age: 9


     Jeferson lives with his mom and older sister. His father passed away from renal failure. It is now extremely difficult for his mom to provide for her children as a widow and single mother. The family struggles financially and sometimes cannon put food on the table. His grandparents are very supportive and help when the family struggles.

     Jeferson is currently in 4th grade. He enjoys Spanish class and dreams of becoming a doctor when he grows up.


Name: Keyla Patricia Medina – NOW SPONSORED!!!

Birthday: October 14

Age: 11

      Keyla lives with her mom and mom’s boyfriend. It is difficult for Keyla in her family because the mom and her boyfriend are often fighting. The family struggles financially. Keyla’s two older siblings have already left school and moved to a bigger city to find work to help support the family. Without sponsorship for her education, Keyla will mostly likely dropout before she graduates high school.

      Keyla is currently in 5th grade. Her favorite class is Spanish. Keyla dreams of attending medical school and becoming a pediatrician. Keyla loves children and wants to be able to care for them. 



Name: Josue Rodolfo Muguia Obregon- NOW SPONSORED!!!

Birthday: June 11

Age: 8

       Josue lives with his mom and dad. Right now they are living in a room in his grandmother’s house because the family cannot afford to build a house. (Josue pictured right with his friend Edwin) Much of their financial difficulties come because Josue is often sick; he has asthma and glandular problems. With sponsorship, Josue would receive free medical care through our New Song clinic.

      Josue is in 4th grade and enjoys math class. He dreams of becoming a doctor when he grows up so that he can help others who are sick.






Nuevo Amanecer Children: Nuevo Amanecer is our newest outreach village and church plant. It is known as the "Village of Gangs". There is so much gang activity and violence in that barrio. Our work in Nuevo Amanecer first began in August 2010 as tragedy struck one of the gangs and the Lord used that tragedy to open up ministry in the village (to read that story, read Riots, Gangs, the Church, & Redemption). We now have a small church plant in Nuevo Amanecer and have done many evangelistic outreaches with incoming teams. We are longing to see transformation in this village. Below are a few of the children who are in need of sponsorship.

Name: Jennifer Gabriela Lindo Aguirre- NOW SPONSORED!!!

Birthday: December 3

Age: 13

            Jennifer lives with her mom, step dad, and two younger brothers (Jennifer pictured right at the church in Nuevo Amanecer). Jennifer’s dad left her and her mom when Jennifer was only a year old. It is difficult for her within her family because her step dad always provides more for her younger brothers (who are his children) than he does for Jennifer. The family is struggling financially because both parents are without work.

            Jennifer is currently in her second year of secondary school (US equivalent of 8th grade). She loves to study English. When she grows up, she dreams of becoming a journalist working as a television news anchor.


Name: Luis Adan Tomas Domingus- NOW SPONSORED!!!

Birthday: December 18

Age: 9

            Adan lives with his parents and six siblings. The family lives in a tiny house with only one bedroom (Adan pictured left on his bed). Adan’s mom doesn’t work. His dad has seasonal work for Ingenio San Antonio (the sugar cane company), but this only provides him with employment between November-May each year. They are often without food. Adan and his twin sister both have asthma and need medication.

            Adan is currently in 3rd grade. His favorite class is Spanish. In his free time, he likes to play with his brothers. He dreams of becoming an engineer. 


Name: Fatima Vanessa Centeno Aragon

Birthday: July 15

Age: 8

      Fatima lives with her mom and older sister (pictured right at the door to her home). Her father was imprisoned about a year ago for selling drugs. Since his imprisonment, the family has been struggling financially. Fatima’s mom is working as a maid cleaning, washing, and ironing for other families, but she barely makes enough to provide for her children’s basic needs.

       Fatima is currently in 3rd  grade. Her favorite class is mathematics. In her free time, Fatima likes to help her mom around the house. She longs to be a teacher when she grows up.



Santa Matilde Children: Santa Matilde is another one of our outreach villages. This barrio was created by the survivors of a massive mudslide following Hurricane Mitch in 1998. Over 5,000 people were killed in the mudslide and the floods that followed. The families who had made their homes on the volcanic ridge where the mudslide occurred were forced to rebuild their lives at a lower elevation. Santa Matilde is one of the communities that was created by relocated survivors. Even now the families are still rebuilding. It is difficult when you have lost everything (jobs, home, etc.) and relocate to an area where unemployment is already sky high. Many people in Santa Matilde find it very difficult to find work and are still jumping from one temporary job to another.

Name: Yaoscar del Carmen Estrada Zapata

Birthday: July 16

Age: 11

       Yaoscar lives with her mom and nine siblings (pictured left at the door of her home). Yaoscar’s mom struggles to provide as a single mother of ten children. Her mom has been unable to find work which leaves the family without income. Yaoscar’s mom and older siblings go to the nearby rice fields each day to collect the grains of rice that were dropped or left over after the harvest. This is the only food that the family has. They are in dire financial need.

      Yaoscar is currently in 2nd grade. She has been in and out of school due to health issues. She has had a severe parasite problem that has been untreated. Sponsorship would allow her to receive free medical care at the New Song clinic and provide a way for her to consistently receive education. Yaoscar is excited to be back in school this year. Her favorite class is mathematics. In her free time, she likes to help her mom around the house. She dreams of becoming a doctor.


Name: Rafael Antonio Gomez Ruiz- NOW SPONSORED!!!

Birthday: January 19

Age: 7

       Rafael lives with his parents and younger sister (pictured right at the door of his home). His mom stays home with the kids. His dad only has work 6 months of the year (November-May which is the planting and harvesting season for the sugar cane company). When he works, they can meet their basic needs. In the months of unemployment, they struggle to survive.

    Rafael is now in 2nd grade. His favorite classes are math and Spanish. Rafael is so full of joy and has the most precious smile. In his free time, he loves to play with his friends. He dreams of becoming a policeman.



Name: Paula Lisbeth Martinez Estrada- NOW SPONSORED!!!

Birthday: June 10

Age: 6

            Paula lives with her parents and two younger sisters in a small house made of sticks and sheets of plastic. The family is struggling to survive. Her mom is without work and her dad only works six months of the year (November-May) harvesting sugar cane. They are often unable to meet their basic needs. Paula was raped almost a year ago. She is still struggling emotionally, but has been seeing a counselor on a regular basis seeking healing. Despite her trauma, she is still so filled with joy laughing and smiling as we talked about her school. You can help her to dream for a brighter future!

            Paula is currently in 1st grade. Her favorite class is math. In her free time, she likes to color and do her homework. She dreams of becoming a doctor.


    If you would like to sponsor any of these children for only $25/month, please email us at [email protected]. You can help them to break the cycle of poverty in their families and dream for a better future!