This month’s highlights will be short because I was out of the country for the first 1/2 of the month. Here are a few highlights from the rest of the month:
I made it back to Nicaragua just in time for the one-year anniversary of Anthony’s death. I can’t believe that it’s already been a year. (To read more of this story, read: drowning and closure). I still miss him so much!! There hasn’t been a single day that has passed this year that I haven’t thought about and missed him. We had an event remembering Anthony’s life and honoring his family. It was great time sharing stories of his life and joy (for more stories, read: Remembering Anthony), Whitney and Jovanny performed a dance (pictured left- Whitney and Jovanny dancing), Diego shared a spoken word about Anthony’s life, and we had a special dinner for his family (pictured below right- eating dinner with Anthony’s family and friends). The youth worked so hard to plan, to cook, and to reach out to Anthony’s family. It was a wonderful time laughing and crying together. We needed time to just be together and remember sweet Anthony’s life and celebrate his new life in eternity with Jesus.
It also allowed the church to reach out in love to Cruz and the rest of the family. Anthony was the only one in his family who was a part of our church. We really wanted to have some time to reach out in the Lord’s love and embrace Anthony’s family and let them know that we support them and want to continue walk with them through their grief process. Please continue to pray healing over Anthony’s family.
I have been really excited that Pastor Alex has agreed to continue helping with our Sunday school program. He has been overseeing the program for me the last couple of times that I have been out of the country. He has such a heart and gift for teaching the scriptures. The teachers are really enjoying working with Alex and learning from his teachings (Alex pictured left teaching the Sunday school teachers during our Friday morning meetings).
I have been praying (as the Lord has been opening doors for my long-term dreams) that the Lord will raise up people who can take on some of my current responsibilities. After returning from Spain, I wanted to ask Alex if he would consider working with Sunday school on a continuous basis. Before I could even ask him, he came and asked me if he could continue working with the Sunday school program because he enjoyed it so much. Thank You Jesus that You are at work in people’s hearts raising them up to take on some of my current work. I am feeling so much peace about being able to slowly turn over the Sunday school program to be completely in Nicaraguan hands. Right now I have wonderful teachers (all Nicaraguan youth) and, thanks to Alex, an incredible Nicaraguan co-leader. I believe that soon this program will be completely in their hands and run so well (Pictured above right- one of my teachers, Teresa, with her class).
I’m so glad that Jasmina and sweet Katalin Adaya are now living back in Candelaria. One of my first days back in Nicaragua someone knocked on my door and said, “A girl, a little boy, and a baby are looking for you.” I was so confused as to who that would be at 8:00 in the morning, but I received the best surprise when I opened my door and there stood Jasmina with Katalin in her arms and Elvin her younger brother with them. I was so excited to see them and to have a little bit of time holding my sweet girl in my arms.
Jasmina needed to talk to Diego. While they were still talking, Katalin started getting fussy. I started playing with her lifting her above my head (Katalin and me playing- pictured left) and then she started to giggle with the most precious laughter. I love getting to make this beautiful girl laugh!! I always treasure my time with Katalin. I held her. I prayed over her. I made her laugh. I fed her. And most of all, I just loved her. I am so thankful for the relationships that the Lord has allowed me to build with this family. They are one of my favorites!
This month I taught the youth about the Holy Spirit. I have been wanting to see them dive into more of the Spirit for awhile and it was finally time that the Lord was telling me to speak. I loved getting to teach the kids about the fullness of living in the Spirit. We talked a lot about the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives and what He gives us access to as we invite Him to fill our lives. After the teaching, we had a time of prayer and ministry to pray over the youth that wanted more in the Spirit (praying over the youth pictured right- I know picture quality isn’t great). I invited them to come. At first no one came. My first instinct was to go to them, to seek them out, to pray over them. But the Lord told me not to move. He told me that He would fill them completely when their desire for Him was greater than their embarrassment to come forward. So I waited. A few kids started come. I saw on Gato’s face that he felt the Lord touching his heart and wanted to come. I began to pray for courage for him. After a few minutes I see him begin to move forward and then plop down at Diego’s feet asking for prayer. My heart exploded with joy and I just began to laugh! I love to see my kids desire the Lord and seeking after Him for He says, “You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all of your heart.”
One afternoon Ryan and Allegra (from the Passport team) asked if I would go visiting with them, Rosa, and Coni so that I could be their translator. At the last house that we visited, we were able to pray over Julissa and see the Lord heal her! (Praying over Julissa- pictured left) It was glorious seeing the Lord move in response to our prayers, but the situation was also heartbreaking as I learned that Julissa and her five siblings had been recently abandoned by their mom. To read the full story, read: Prayers, Healing, Heartbreak and Dreams.
Amy and Haille (from the Passport team) decided to come to Candelaria on their day off so that they could go with me to visit some of my precious neighbors. I enjoy getting to take people to meet my loves. The three of us had a great time visiting houses, playing with beautiful children and just loving people with the Lord’s love. I took them first to visit Jayson’s family. We had a great time hanging out with the family, making the kids laugh, and spending lots of time just loving on Dalila and Victor (hammock cuddle time with Victor pictured above right). We had a great time with their family before heading to the Corner House to visit with Jasmina and Katalin Adaya. The girls loved getting to hold sweet
Katalin and I, of course, love showing her off! It made my heart melt because Jasmina and her dad kept talking about me as Katalin’s godmother (holding Katalin pictured left). I just love being a part of this family’s life! I love spending my afternoons seated on the hammock or on a bucket (being used as a chair) just hanging out and laughing with the family and holding Katalin Adaya in my arms. This was just the sweetest afternoon!
We were blessed to have an AIM Passport team working with us for a
few weeks this month (pictured left- Passport Team and New Song staff). They are an incredible group of young people! I
have really enjoyed their life, joy, and servants’ hearts as they have
worked alongside us for the past few weeks. They have led worship, taught art classes, interceded for the mission and families in our community, and visited homes throughout Candelaria. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with them, sharing our hearts, and seeing how the Lord is transforming their lives and calling them to more in Him.
Bonus Photos: I spent the first half of April galavanting around Spain with my best friend, Steph Davis. We had the best time adventuring in Madrid, Barcelona, and Mijas. I love Spain!! It was really a perfect couple of weeks. Below are a few photos from our weeks together.
Pictured left: Eating world famous chocolate and churros in Madrid
Pictured above right: overlooking Barcelona from Castle Montjuic
Pictured below right: Walking the beach at La Barceloneta
Oh, Lisa, that story about teaching the youth about the Holy Spirit, asking if they wanted prayer, seeing no initial response, being directed by God to WAIT, seeing the desire on Gato’s face and praying for COURAGE ~ and then finally seeing him come forward for prayer ~ that encourages my heart so much because I am in similar situation right now of being directed to wait & praying for courage. Even though the circumstances are completely different, the parallels and the results in your story make my heart sing. =) Thank you for sharing!!