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   April 19. Two years ago on this day my world was thrown into upheaval as my precious brother Anthony drown. You all know how much I loved Anthony. You know how my heart longed to celebrated his life and how my heart reeled at his death.
    Last year I dreaded as this time of the anniversary of his death approached….

   This year, odd as it may sound, I have actually found myself anticipating the arrival of this once dreaded date. It's because I feel as though we have found the PERFECT way to honor Anthony's life. Today we are launching, together with Adventures in Mission and partnering with Educate Nica, the "Anthony Lives" fund which will open doors for other students in Chichigalpa to attend university. Anthony would be 18 if he were still alive. He would be at the age to begin attending university. We want his legacy to live on by opening doors for others to dream.
    This tribute to Anthony is particularly significant to me. Currently the bulk of my ministry at New Song is through our sponsorship program. I am constantly connecting children and families with the resources to dream for a better future. It's become normal for me now. But Anthony's heart was the first place where I saw dreams birthed. I remember sitting with him back in 2008 and realizing that he never knew what it meant to DREAM for his future. And I remember seeing dreams birthed in his heart. I remember the changes and the glimmers of hope. Anthony wasn't the first kid sponsored through New Song. He wasn't the beginning of this program. But he was the beginning for me. It was with him that I learned how to walk alongside people and teach them to dream. Now, I get to do it all the time and I couldn't love my job more! And now Anthony can help empower others to dream in the same way that he had begun too. 

   We have some beautiful dreamers in our midst!! We have incredible, talented, intelligent students who are envisioning a better future not only for themselves, but also for their community. Business administration majors who want to create small business to foster employment in a greatly underemployed area, future doctors who long to provide medical clinics in remote villages where health care is non-existent, future child psychologists who long to help children heal from the horrors of abuse… the dreams go on and on. These are young adults who are bright and capable, who see a better future that's possible. YOU can help make their dreams a reality and help Anthony's legacy live on as you give toward college scholarships through the Anthony Lives fund. Together we are imagining a more whole and transformed Candelaria…

3 responses to “Anthony Lives…”

  1. “We have incredible, talented, intelligent students who are envisioning a better future not only for themselves, but also for their community… Together we are imagining a more whole and transformed Candelaria.”

    Absolutely fantastic…beauty from ashes! Love this, friend!!

  2. A fitting tribute. Anthony’s dream will live on through the dreams of all that are touched by this fund.