I opened my eyes to see her on her knees just weeping before the Lord. I walked over to begin praying over her and ministering to her. The Word says in Romans 8:26-27 “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know
what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us
through wordless groans.
And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because
the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of
God.” As I asked the Spirit to help me to pray for her, the only words that would come out of my mouth were “MORE. More of You. More of Your Spirit. MORE. More of Your love. MORE.” I couldn’t pray anything else…
Now I have to jump back a couple of years to really explain this beautiful story. Almost three years ago now (in August 2008), I came to Candelaria for the first time with my World Race team. I remember being overwhelmed by the display of the Lord’s glory in this place and falling completely in love with a group of teenagers. One of the best parts of my trip was seeing eleven of our youth baptized (To see a video that my teammate Lindsay made of their baptisms, check out Baptism Video). I remember going and praying with Kenia, one of the lovely girls from our discipleship group (pictured left), as she came out of the water. As I prayed over Kenia, I just knew that there was a special anointing of the Holy Spirit upon her life. I could feel God’s power upon her in a way that was different from everyone else.
I remember telling her that I could feel the Holy Spirit resting upon her in a powerful way and that she had an anointing for worship to bring others into His presence.
A week after these baptisms, we were leaving Candelaria and moving on to our next nation: Vietnam. I continued to pray for my youth, but I wasn’t there to see if they were walking out the things that had been started during our month there.
Fast forward to 2010… in my first month living in Nicaragua I was talking to Kenia and she told me that she still remembers what I had told her after her baptism. After a year and a half, she was still thinking about what it meant to be anointed by the Lord.
This weekend I watched Kenia enter into the Lord’s presence in a new way during our retreat worship times. She was the girl that I saw sitting on her knees just weeping before the Lord. I went to minister to her thinking she was feeling really broken. As I began to just pray for more of His presence, Kenia wept, laughed, yelled out in excitement, and threw her hands in the air singing “Cristo yo te amo!!!” over and over again. She was beginning to walk in her anointing.
Each time that we have entered into worship since that moment, I have seen her dive deeper and deeper into the Lord’s presence. I have seen her enter His throne room so easily and confidently. I have seen her worship lead others to the throne and have experienced the anointing in my own life.
On Sunday morning, the Lord was speaking to my heart. I sat on my knees praying asking Him to speak His truth over my heart. Kenia came over and began to pray over me. As soon as she laid hands on me and prayed for me, I began to weep. I can’t even explain what the Lord was doing, but I could feel Him pulling out some deep roots of lies that were lodged in my heart. As she walks in this anointing, Kenia falls more in love with God and leads others to walk in freedom in His Spirit. Oh, how beautiful to see my teenagers walk in the Spirit and become who they were created to be! As the Word says in Galatians 5:25 “Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.” I cannot wait to see what will happen in Kenia’s life as she learns to walk more and more in step with the Holy Spirit.
this is a really cool story. thanks for sharing. 🙂
Isn’t it wonderful how God uses those that we open up and minister to. He brings them full circle where they are able to in turn minister to us. God’s people are so interconnected and interdependant on each other as we walk in His power.
Love, Dad
this is so great! i can’t wait to be able to share similar stories about my boys in Honduras 🙂
LOVE IT!! The background gives the story so much more meaning. Thanks for sharing!