
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

    This is graduation month in Nicaragua! I wasn't able to be there to celebrate alongside any of our graduates because I am in the States spending the holiday with my family, but I wanted to give a shout out to our graduates because I am so proud of them and they deserve to be celebrated!!

    This year we have had several kids from our sponsorship program who are graduating from preschool, elementary school, or highschool. I am so proud of these precious kids!! (My beautiful friend Yorleni who graduated from highschool this year- pictured right) I love to see them feel supported and empowered to run after their dreams. I love when their families begin to believe that a brighter future is possible. Student sponsorship is giving children and their families HOPE. If you would like to join other sponsors in offering families the ability to dream for a better future, check out our website There are so many more amazing kids who need support in order to rise above the poverty with which they are surrounded.

    We currently have 300 students who qualify for sponsorship, but only 83 who are sponsored. Of those 83, this year we are thrilled to have one preschool graduate, seven kids graduating from 6th grade, and two who are graduating from highschool. Three of these children are from our village in Santa Matilde, six from Candelaria and one from La Isla.

   In Santa Matilde we were so excited to support our preschool graduate, Casey, as well as supporting her older brother Alexander and Marvin as the two boys celebrated their graduation from primary school (Alexander and Casey pictured left). All three of these children were so thankful to be receiving sponsorship. Both of their families confessed to me that without this help their children would not have been able to participate in their graduation ceremonies. These kids have worked so hard in their classes and it is such a blessing to be able to stand beside them and to celebrate with them as they reach their goals. I believe that these beautiful children will reach their dreams! 
    In La Isla were are so excited to stand with Oscar Lira as he graduates from highschool. Oscar is hoping to attend university in 2013 so we are looking for a sponsor for him. University sponsorship is $100/month.
    In Candelaria we are so blessed to celebrate alongside five sixth graders and one highschool senior as they receive their diplomas. Gissell, Keyla, Bryan, Jason, and Carla are all graduating from primary school and Cecelia is graduating from high school. (One of our graduates Jason and his sister Linda Melissa being honored as top students- pictured right) My heart is especially connected with the graduates in Candelaria because they are my neighbors and the children with which I spend every day. I really longed to be there to cheer them on as they walked across the stage to receive their diplomas. I was very disappointed that all of their promotions were scheduled after my departure to the States, but I am still celebrating who they are and what they've accomplished.
    These are children who are so close to my heart! Another one of our primary school graduates, Gissell, is one of the girls that I have spent the last year really pouring into and discipling (Gissell and I pictured left) To read more of this story, read: Protecting Innocence. I have loved walking alongside of Gissell and her family. I love seeing the difference that sponsorship and discipleship is making in her heart. I cannot wait to see what the Lord is going to continue doing in the life of this beautiful girl and our other graduates! Thank you to all of our sponsors who have made this success a possibility for these children. I am so proud of them!! I look forward to seeing more and more children receive an education, graduate, and make their dreams a reality!