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   One of my loudest heart’s cries in this place is to see the restoration of family. Family is so broken in this community with a lack of respect and faithfulness between husbands and wives, a lack of real love being shown to children, so few fathers that stay with their families, and just so much violence in the homes. I have been praying for the Lord to restore family in this place.
   My desire is to see my youth rise up and become a new generation of family; to see them become a different kind of family in this community. I believe that I am beginning to see the first fruits of this new family among two of our couples.

   In my last blog post I talked about the redemption that is happening in Jasmina and Surdo (read: Road to Relationship & Redemption Part 3). Jasmina is pregnant and the baby is due in the first week of November. I believe that as the Lord redeems and transforms them, they will be able to give their daughter a different family experience than what they have experienced.
   I talked with Jasmina about the changes that the Lord had been making in their lives. She told me that Surdo has quit drinking (which is amazing because before this time, I don’t think I had ever seen him sober) and how much better it is because he was always fighting when he was drinking and now he’s not. I long to see them have a family that is not filled with the violence to which they have grown accustomed.
   Last week Jasmina and Surdo came to the movie night that we were having for the youth, along with several other members of their family. I looked over and saw Surdo holding Baby Junieth above his head laughing and playing with her. I stood in awestruck silence. I know that it may not sound like a big deal, but I have NEVER seen any of the men in that family hold one of the babies without looking annoyed and passing the baby off as soon as possible. My heart leapt for joy just to see this small display of affection between him and the baby. Lord I pray that you will form him into a man and a father that loves his children, provides for them, and stays. I’m asking for the Lord’s transformation to form them into a new kind of family and to give new hope and love for their daughter to enter into.

   There is another beautiful couple among our youth who give me so much hope! Paula and Sergio have been dating for awhile and are planning to get married one day. The thing that has always stood out to me about their relationship is the love and respect that they have for one another. It’s so rare in this community. They are so loving towards one another in the way that they talk to and about one another. It’s really beautiful to see.
   A couple weeks ago Sergio was talking to me about wanting to learn more about the Bible and how to teach from the Word. He wanted to begin doing Bible study with me. A couple of days before we were supposed to start, Sergio came to me and said that he talked to Paula and they were going to come together to study the Word with me. I was ecstatic! I believe that there is nothing better for their relationship than to seek after the Lord TOGETHER. They were also telling me that they have begun to worship together and pray over one another. I loved to hear as they talked about seeking the Lord together and how they experienced more of the Lord than they have when they have sought Him on their own. Lord work in them to become a family that puts you at the center of everything they do!

   I have been praying for the restoration of family and I wholeheartedly believe that it is coming! Some of the youth will rise up and become godly families. I see it already in couples like Sergio and Paula and in the youth who are willing to wait for boyfriends or girlfriends who love the Lord. Jesus bring Your restoration!!!

3 responses to “A Different Kind of Family”

  1. Lisa,

    God is restoration. His entire relationship with mankind is centered in the restoration power of Jesus’s sacrifice on the cross. As much as He desires to restore His relationship with us, He also desires that we restore right relationships with each other. Continue to pray for restoration in the lives of the people of Candelaria. You are praying in the center of God’s will for these people.


  2. Lisa, I am ecstatic to see the realness of what I saw begin when I was last there in Jasmina and her husband. I am so happy to see this. Please hug her for me and tell her that I am so happy for her and thankful to God!! What a real result of friendship (card playing)evangelism! I am blessed to watch the holy Spirit work through you to really love people! I love you!