In the middle of the day with the sun beating down from a clear blue sky, Rosita and I jumped on our bikes and set off to visit my lovely sponsored kids in La Isla. It takes about 50 minutes to bike to our outreach village of La Isla and maybe a little longer this day because the wind was blowing against us the entire way making it feel like we were biking through mud. Even on days when the trip feels difficult, I still love the exercise and the beauty of the commute across dirt roads, through sugar cane fields, and past gorgeous views of the volcanoes (my beautiful commute to La Isla- pictured right). I pedaled soaking in the sunshine, starring at the incredible scenery that surrounded me, and just talking with the
Lord. I loved every minute of it!
And then when I finally arrived in the village, I got to spend my afternoon visiting with these lovely girls hearing their laughter and seeing their beautiful smiles (pictured left). I got to sit visiting with the Campos family and some of their neighbors. One of the neighbors stopped by asking Pastor Pablo if he could take her to the hospital because she was in labor. I got to lay hands on her and pray for her and her baby, for a healthy delivery and for who her baby would become in the Lord. Eliezer ran out and wrapped his arms around my waist in a huge hug. I talked to kids about their school. I brought sweet Oneida her backpack and school uniform. We laughed and talked in the Campos' front yard (Campos family- picture right in front of their home).
And then when our time was up, Rosita and I jumped back on the bikes and started the 50 minute ride back to Candelaria. Back through the creek, over the bridges, bouncing on the dirt roads, through the sugar cane fields, past the volcanic views and back home. I arrived home filthy and exhausted and perfectly content. It's a beautiful day.