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Thoughts & Inspiration

   Most of you know that I have been spending a lot of time hanging out with the family that lives at the corner of our property. (If you haven’t heard this story, read my previous blogs first The Road to Relationship & Redemption Part 1 and Part 2). I have been continuing to visit there several times a week playing cards, hanging out with the family, and making trips to La Presa to go swimming. They were all so excited to see me when I finally returned from my trip to the States and I was able to bring some photos and some clothes for baby Junieth. It has been wonderful to just keep building relationships with this family. I am really praying for open doors to share the love of Jesus with them (in words along with actions).
    I love all of the family members, but my heart has been so connected with the newest little baby, Junieth (pictured left). She is only two months old and unbelievably precious.
    More and more the Lord has been connecting my heart with children and infants here. I absolutely LOVE my work with the youth here in Candelaria, but I also know the long-term plans that the Lord has for me here. I know that these plans involve a focus on loving and mothering children who need family. I can feel the Lord beginning to draw my heart more and more in that direction. I know that He is beginning to prepare me for the next steps (although I still feel as though that move is quite a bit farther down the road).

    Anyway, I digress, back to precious Junieth… I was thrilled as I walked into church on Sunday and saw Martina (the grandma) sitting near the back with Junieth. I walked over and talked to her and she told me that she was there to present Junieth in front of the church. It was the first time I had seen any of the adults in the church.
    Martina let me hold Junieth so I was there all through worship holding this beautiful girl and just praying and prophesying over her life and worshipping inviting the Spirit of the Living God to come and to spark a thirst in her heart for Him. Oh, how I loved that time!! It reminded me of being in Vietnam on the Race and spending so much time in the house for abandoned babies just cradling them in my arms praying and prophesying over them. I loved it more than anything else that entire month!
    Again, I digress. So, back to Sunday night. I had about 40 minutes to just worship and pray over this beautiful girl. I cherish EVERY moment of it! Then came the moment where her grandmother was presenting her before the church. Sadly Junieth’s mom and dad didn’t come for this moment. I don’t think Martina realized the significance of this moment. She was just presenting Junieth in the church because it’s something that everyone does here. But I believe that there is POWER in prayer and that prayer changes things (first in the spiritual and then in the physical). I believe that there was great power is bringing a child before the church, dedicating her to the Lord, and the church praying over her life. The family may not realize right now the things that are shifting in this young girl’s life, but I believe the Lord is moving on behalf of the prayers of His children to bring about His work in Junieth’s life.
     Pray with me for Junieth and for her family. Pray that the Lord will draw them to Himself. This was just one small moment in this baby’s life, but I believe in the power of prayer and I believe that I will see the fruit of these prayers spring forth in her life. And of course they may not be in the church all the time, but they do invite me into their home and allow me to hold their daughter nearly everyday. I am a daughter of God and I bring His Spirit everywhere I step and to everyone I touch. I will keep praying and prophesying over this beautiful girl and her family and I believe redemption will come. This is just the beginning…

6 responses to “Dedication”

  1. Lisa, That is a huge step to have the grandma attend the church service. I am claiming in prayer that it will be only the first of many to come for her and the rest of her family.

  2. Praising God with you and praying for this family and this precious little one that God will draw them and they will know that He cares for them. So happy that God is using you in this ministry. It is exciting to watch what God is doing in their lives.

  3. im really so glad that you are there. im praying (with tons of help it looks like) that the Lord brings a wave of fresh nurturing and protected growth for that daughter and her generation there. we’re with you friend.